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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Granted time stops till you find "the Win" on the other side of the planet..


I wish for an place with where honey and milk and bread and meat are in plenty for free...

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(A shame that you're only able to log onto a laggy PK server populated by obnoxious 13-year-olds from Uzbekistan, all of which play lvl80 Death Knights and use that stupid sparkle-pony as their mount...)


I wish my friends would talk about something *other* than "Occupy Wall Street" for a while...

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Wish granted thats all they ever talk about to the point that your friendship with them has to end, meaning they constantley fallow talking about wall street to the point that you have to put a restraining order on them. Funny enough they still manage to fallow you around and stock you. One day you here a noise in your house, its your friends err enamys talking wall street. So you called the police, but the line is dead, they pre planned this one. Since your alone they barge into your room and lock the door behind them then continue talking wall street, you do the only thing that comes natural self defence, so you grab a chare and throw it at them, but it turns out they over power you and rope you up in a chare thats beside your desk and duct tape your mouth. As you desperately yell muffled they continue talking about wall street.


As you sit there roped and tuct taped you go crazy, crazy mad. 24hours they continue talking about wall street. Guess what happens then :whistling::devil:


I wish to Win :dance:

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Granted. There's cake at the end.*


I wish high-level characters and death knights would be forbidden from using the dreaded sparkle-pony.



Granted, now all high level characters and death knights BECOME the dreaded sparkle pony.

I wish to see a quantum tunnel!

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