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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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lol i wish CC made a wish.


Nice, What colour is it.


Found a image, couldn't find any real images of that car, since there is so many variations :confused: .



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Granted! CC wishes for a new fuel pump, but YOU have to pay for it Mighty Thor! :turned:


I wish I would quit getting heartburn!! :verymad:

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To Thor.: Its a deep red.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/af/1976_Holden_LX_Torana_Sunbird_sedan_02.jpg <-- This kind. The LX :thumbsup:



Granted, now you have Reflux! :pinch:


I wish that the new fuel pump (Ordered in, 2 week delivery period) will get here faster. I need the car.

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Granted you can't sleep at all, and have insomnia for a month, witch then drives you insane. Also a month later you die of exhaustion.


I didnt say i didnt want to sllep, I said i wish i wasnt tired ;)


Anyway, It your fuel pump arrived. it worrs for a week, then it explodes.

Man, there are alot of exploaions in this thread :rolleyes:


I wish the TV ads would kindly P*ss off :mellow:

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Wish granted, but then you're so much overflowed by the other's mind that you will not be able to make new topics in Nexus forums now. :blink:


I wish I could find better quotes to fit in my sig content.

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Wish granted but to your dismay, you die.


I wish for it to rain food.


Hey, thanks, at least I lived beyond that date by years and years.

Bunny Smooches to ya !

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granted, he makes a wish that becomes your demise. i wish i was better at modding
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