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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Unfortunately, it's been irradiated. Nuclear-style irradiated, not water-purified irradiated.



I wish I had a wish that could not be corrupted.

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Granted, no more wishes that can be corrupted, now they are null and void instead, so nobody even reads them to corrupt them. :sad:


I wish for a personal chef, again! lol

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Wish granted, but when you fly it, and forget to refill it, it plummets to the earth.


I wish for a BLT (Bacon, lettuce, tomatoe sandwhich.)


the lettuce comes from a secret government research facility, the FBI comes to repossess the lettuce you just ate.....


I wish for all hungry people to be fed for the rest of their lives.

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Oh its world peace alll right, all people are gone from the face of the earth. So there is technically world piece.


I wish for a MrSub sandwich right about now, manly the pizza kind.

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