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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Wish Granted.............

A dimensional portal opens about 3m over your head, which moves with you and endless tons of various cheese fall from it down on you! You die either of the weight or of a cheese overdose. (Sorry, Thor you wished for it.)


.............I wish I was a stranger who wanders down the sky .....................

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uh..... Granted......


The big apple vanishes and instead a strider as big as N.Y. appears. Now what will you do with it?


..........I wish I was a starship in silence flying by ..........

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granted....your wish is not corrupted....you are now dead



i wish for a peace of toast on a plate.....altho im not hungry


Wish granted, but then the largest rat you've ever seen comes racing across the table, grabs it, says "Thanks dude" and runs off with it.


I wish one of my female characters from Oblivion was real and wanted to hook up with me.

(To aid corruptors - I don't use orcs)

^^ granted.....its a old redgard...the second moast feared old woman of races..... the first is orcs


granted....a giant rat took it along with my toast



i wish i could jump between dimentions at will with no dammage done to myself or the dimentions i jump to

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Wish granted you get ...........................................................................



..........I wish I was a princess with armies at her hand ..........




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Granted! Now you WIN the game. But in winning the game, you have no choice but to remember the game, making you lose the game, sticking you into an eternal loop.



I wish I could fix my dammit phone's WiFi problems. It just cant connect properly. (Every time I try to connect, I get a thing saying "Invalid Server Name"

So annoying.

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Wish granted by you throwing it away and never having WiFi problems with it again.


I wish I had a bottle of Warsteiner and a pepperoni, pineapple, and jalapeño pizza for lunch

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