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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Uhu..Granted. But....................

growing a second head spliced your personality and the second head as, and likes to show your worst habits. Additionally it has control of the half of your body and you grow in size to about 4 meters. your second head share not the same opinions and all must be argued out. to bonus the things up you have grown very fond of clubs and swinging them on puny little humans. (What have we got calliton the Ettin)

@ calliton, Seriously mate, if you really wish to have a second head I advice you not to go to a Psychologists. That wasn't a house call, so I'm charging you nothing.


..............I wish I was a ruler who'd make them understand ...........

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Wish granted....you are a ruler that finally makes people understand 12 inches equals a foot....


I wish that 20 year old beer hadn't gone flat

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Wish granted....you are a ruler that finally makes people understand 12 inches equals a foot....


I wish that 20 year old beer hadn't gone flat

wish granted, its as sharp as a knife


i wish i had more dried pomegranite seeds

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Wish granted, you get apple cores instead.



I wish for a 800gbits download speed, and a upload speed of 400gbits :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: .

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Wish granted, you get apple cores instead.



I wish for a 800gbits download speed, and a upload speed of 400gbits :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: .


Wish granted - But sadly your hard drive cannot handle either the influx or outflux of data and has a critical meltdown.


I wish a hot chick would walk through the door aking me "Wanna play?" :biggrin:

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Wish granted - You get a chick all right but not the one you were wanting, it also has the ability to say wanna play, Kreepy o_O




I wish Mafia 2 was already out.

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