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Rain mod suggestions?


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Call it weird, but I've always loved rain in games, so I'm looking for suggestions that enhance the rain of Skyrim and other misc stuff to help with a rainy atmosphere.


I'm also curious if there's any mods that let me set the weather chance percentages? Looking for something along the lines of making it rain 90% of the time.

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I don't know of any specific mods that will make it rain no matter where you are in Skyrim---it is too cold in the northern regions---but Cathedral Weathers and Seasons has a "somber'' climate mode that increases the chance of snow, rain, fog or storms by up to 80 percent, according to its description page.

If you combine it with Real Rain, Obsidian Mountain Fogs, and Volumetric Mists, I think you would have a permanently damp and dreary Skyrim to explore.

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