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I m not sure if this problem can be solved somehow, but I have a hope :P




I installed skyrim on my computer this year in march, I have been playing like for a 2 weeks and then I had a break and resumed in may, and now again (just can't play it the whole time and need breaks), I had patch 1.3 or something like this, and installed like 100 of many different mods, now I wanted to update my skyrim + additionally install new DLC dawn guard, so I installed the whole game again, installed mods, dlc, new patch and put my old saves in right place and then when I tried to play it worked but every time I come near Whiterun then I have a crash, total crash just in one second game is closed and I m on my desktop without any massage.


So I still have installed old version of skyrim that worked but since I installed a while ago mods like "mannequins look like you of MLLY" and that mod for different mannequins poses I had crashes once a while (not too often so I didn't mind them, needed to use then alt+ctrl+del because skyrim "is not responding"), so I copied my old version of skryrim updated it (patched) installed dawn guard and it works (even managed to get that dawn guard task)... but now the problem is that I have crashes every 5 minutes without any noticeable reason.


Is there any solution to stop my skryrim crashing? It just crashes to desktop, game is automatically closed in one second, without "not responding" or any other massage.


Thanks in advice even if there is no hope for me :P (sorry for poor English).

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Most mods, including Dawnguard, require the latest patch to function properly. Ensure that Steam is set to keep your game up to date as nothing will help if you're running an out-of-date version.
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I think you may be having problems because of trying to use pre-1.5 saves on an updated Skyrim, and possibly mod conflicts as well.


I think you may have to start over with a new game. NMM only works with Skyrim running through Steam, although you can run it with steam in offline mode.


If you are using Dawnguard (also has to be official Steam version) make sure all of your mods are compatible with it.


You may findBben's blog on a complete clean reinstallusefule. After that, I'd add mods one at a time, reading the description carefully for installation and compatibility, then run BOSS after each addition and play for a while to make sure it is working.

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Through following Georgiegril's advice you may be able to keep your old save. It's not a sure thing, but it's worth a shot.


Once you've performed a clean install, added in the DLCs and fully patched, open the game and load your save. Make a new save with no mods installed (keep the old one for backup purposes) then exit to the Main Menu and reload your new save. From here, travel around test out your save. After you've visited a decent number of places and tested spells and items and whatnot, if there's no crashes, your save is most likely unscathed. If you get crashes though, there's most likely some bad data stored in your save and you're probably better off starting from scratch then trying to fix it.

Edited by MShoap13
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