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This is from the NMM bugs section:


3> Can't login to NMM.

Q>I'm trying to login to NMM, but it tells me "The given login information is invalid".


A> This is usually caused by:

1> Strange special characters in your password (currently NMM and the login service can't communicate some special characters).

2> White spaces before your username/password.

3> The password box "supposedly" missing some of your key presses, you think it didn't get one of the chars and you type it again. Just type your password all at once and don't retype if the password seems to be missing a char.


I'd seen this before and had to go looking for the answer, the special characters one was what I'd seen. Try changing your Nexus password to something without special characters. (And everything else this answer says of course.)

Edited by AnkhAscendant
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Also if your firewall or router settings are blocking NMM from connecting to the auth server then it might tell you it can't log you in.

Thank you Dark0ne, I turned off firewall, but that didn't seem to work. This saddens me, this is my favorite website to get everything from news to mods for the Elder Scolls games that I have. I don't understand why i'm having so much trouble logging into Mod Manage and getting mods. but hey thank you again, for everything.

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