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ShadowDukie has been fully removed from the story but will be returned in future in a special fashion.


All of the SweetieDukies are supposed to be male but I sometimes mistakenly used the wrong pronouns. I am still fixing this in past writings in this topic.


Virtibirds changed to hubcopters.


PrimeElder Owen Lyons has now become PrimeElder Owyn Irons.

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PrimeElder Rowyn Irons examined a new situations array including a holographic map table, black boards, pinboards and datascreens on one big wall. The Secret OldPentagon had its own area, on the wall, showing that progress had been quite slow in gaining information there and in solving at least one barely understood mystery. Yet useful data, and resources, had been found; the IronsOrder had kept as much control, as possible, of the known Secret OldPentagon while a faction, of Steelsages, kept demanding direct access to the zone despite being indirectly given a good deal of useful data.

A 3Dphoto, of his former wife, was pinned to a board being years old when she had born his surname. Even back then she had been troublesome and the marriage had been a political two help strengthen an alliance between two TechOrderhood Factions. He had loved another woman and with her had gained three children; they were still with him, living in the Pentadel, but in slow healing capsules. He had suspicions about who had done the evil against his mistress, and children, but had no hard evidence. Many believed Veralina Irons had attacked them but no solid reason had been discovered why she should do so.

Techfollowers (TechOrderhood camp followers) had been settling into an outer, fortified, extension of the OldPentagon now known as PentadelTown. They would go on providing useful goods, and services, to the TechOrderhood, such as laundry, meals, prostitution, crafted goods, healers, gambling and much else; one of the TechSheriffs would regulate the town with the support of other TechSheriffs if necessary, having Techdeputies, Techconstables and other Techorderlers serving them.

Techguards would provide protection for the settlement as they did generally for the Pentadel proper, Techguards being defensive focused while Techtroopers were generally assault oriented.

The TechOrderhood was busy sending out envoys to larger, more known, settlements that were fairly close to the Pentadel such as Rivertown, Maritimecity, Longbridgeville and Bunkercity Starky. They also had better reputations than others be they poor miserable Dungustoe, big river pirate based Shoreville, rusting naval ship based RustCity, corrupted Crimson Riverport or others.

Then came news that was not at all surprising, at least not for him and a relatively few others. Though many would see the speedy, treacherous, departure of his older brother Richard Irons, alias Richard the Ironsheart, as a disaster it was his sibling who was in for a nasty surprise.

He turned to the holomaptable to check on hour Techorderlers were doing in invading, conquering and occupying areas much closer to the Pentadel. Most locals had been smart enough to surrender, not to threats but to fair offers of being Techfollowers, to keep active under TechOrderhood protection.

Then came bad news! Richard the Ironsheart, and 237 of his followers, had escaped the trap set for him. He had taken with some valuable resources but nothing irreplaceable. He had got away thanks to a very well hidden network of secret tunnels and other spaces. Treachery was feared!

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Added a puppy to 13.1[18] at Post #18.

Changes done to list in 31.1[41] at Post #48.

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33.1[44] is above in Post #52.

DC is being converted to EWS meaning 'East Washington State'.



Rowyn was pleased, though he carefully hid the fact, for the trap had been meant to be escaped from and now the second, real, trap was progressing to its finality. Five infiltrators were embedded amongst the traitors being excellent at such matters.

The IronssidesOrder alerted him that they were moving towards the GrandBridge that led across the Potomac River to the UNS Federal Parliament, an elegantly fortified structure partly smashed but mostly intact thanks to its smartmaterials. Led by the IronsQuadruplets, Brent, Brant, Bravis and Barris being their names; in turn they led the power armoured Ironsidestroopers, heavier mecha type Ironsidesmechers, battletank Ironsidestankers and low flying Ironsidesflyers.

The PrimeElder wondered if the TechChapterEWS would hopefully start to realise at least one of the 13 secret goals that had it go all the way from Calibraska to WashingtonEWS.

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The disfigured figure awake in a vat of healing regenerative, lightly rejuvenating, jelly substance that glowed lightly in its dull yellow colour. He looked somewhat like a damaged version of PrimeElder Rowyn Irons as he looked at the tall, dangerous, armour robed figure of Veralina Irons.


It was a large superconcrete chamber, with many thick supporting columns and odd rectangular vats used once for transmutagenic experimentation. It was deep down inside the Secret OldPentagon.

His spoke with a damaged voice full of rage. “So, what of the impostor of myself? Has he come to WashingtonEWS yet?”

Veralina Irons scowled. “You were the impostor, a monster willingly replaced by a cloned copy of the true, original, Rowyn Irons who was supposedly killed by the unknown entity that created you so badly as a shadowclone.”

The shadowclone scowled, its common expression. “I tried to make the TechOrderhood stronger and what thanks did I get?”

Veralina sighed. “As a monster you tried to make yourself the self proclaimed TechEmperor and to launch a ‘cleansing’, of the TechOrderhood, that would have seen over a million pointless deaths. For the death, and destruction, you did cause they burned you badly, trying to kill you, and to replaced you with a stabler clone, which would not have been too hard. Then the TechElders blamed me for the crime, that you committed, so as to cover up the truth of what had happened. You attacked Rowyn’s mistress and their children because of some sick twisted reason much like most of your thinking. I name you Shadowyn.”

Shadowyn scowled hard. “If you think so little of me why do you keep me alive?”

She smiled coldly. “To use you to help track down the monstrous Shadowite entity that created you and caused me so much trouble. You have never been the real Rowyn Irons.”

Shadowyn felt the drugs flow into his body, through drip feeds, that sent him once more into the darkness of oblivion.

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The raggedy SLEWS Guardia force hunkered down in the best defensive position they could find close to the GrandBridgeEWS but facing the oncoming Ironsides Forces. They were poorly equipped, trained though much experienced with fighting against local threats with only some exceptions. There was a professional core to the Guardia but it numbered, there, just over 100.

Having been given vague orders, from high command, with no real promise of coming support, the commanding officers were not sure what they were supposed to do. A large military force had suddenly arrived, from the east, to occupy the OldPentagon. They had then begun to expand their influence out through the area around the OldPentagon. They were obviously far larger, more powerful and more technologically advanced than were the gathered Guardia forces.

Marshal Angus turned her head to study the ramshackle compound. As Guardia she wore kevlar body-armour but only her 105 people did so and had regular military equipment such as AKM16A2 autocarbines, AKKA lasercarbines and Renault minimissile launcherguns. The irregulars, including local mercenaries, were equipped with a wide range of armour, armaments and other gear.

Smooth bore pipeguns were common, being generally easy to manufacture and maintain while being very sturdy and user friendly; there were a few such weapons being handled there be they pistols, carbines or rifles along with other types of pipeguns. There were also many revolvers, bolt-action, pump‑action and break-action guns but only a handful of semiautomatic guns and even less automatic guns. Pipebombs, wick‑grenades and such like were common. There were even some powerful crossbows and bows. It was ironic how the mix of technologies, in the compound, quite accurately reflected the greater one of the WastelandsEWS.

Irregulars were of varied discipline, experience and training as they kept largely with their own groups be they hunters, trader guards, basic mercenaries and other kinds including general settlers. That was no surprise as that was what was available and willing to at least show up.

The surprise came as they came moving out into the open, being dressed like locals but with extra layers, and moving like graceful predators. Yet as the five of them came up to her, being far more deadly than herself or her professional Guardia, Claudia Angus could not sense any such threat.

One man stepped forward, hard faced but with a mild grinsmile. He spoke with an odd accent in the language of Esperanto. “I am Spectreagent Alistair! We represent the TechOrderhood and, noting the power of your numbers, we surrender to the level of negotiating with you.”

The Marshal snorted. “Most amusing! I take it your forces just went around us?”

He shook his head. “A new threat has arisen and the IronsidesOrder has withdrawn back to the Pentadel, our new fortress based on the OldPentagon. We want most of you to come with us to a new outer fortified area.”

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She showed her puzzlement. “Why should we go there?”

Alistair shrugged. “If you do not, the newly appearing threat will crush you. It is coming from Quadtowertown.”

Vessie Angus frowned. “Our capital, the prime settlement of the SLEWS. There has been reports of troubles coming from there, of division, dark conspiracies, treachery and fighting but not anything as bad as you are indicating.”

Alistair shook his head, just a little as if wishing not to give too much away. “The dark conspiracy faction, for want of a better name, stole a large amount of resources from the SLEWS before departing in a hurry. We intend to support the SLEWS by a wide range of means; partly we do so for ourselves, partly for you because of our Mandate, but also for reasons that may be revealed to you in future.”

She looked around at the motley array of armoured-armed transports, in the compound, and sighed. Most were mutahorse pulled guncarts and gunwagons. There were also a few saddle‑mutahorses and pack‑mutahorses. The professionals had two guntrucks and four guncars along with two Prewarday armoured-armed army trucks taken out of preserved storage. “Many of our people came here on foot and while greatly prized, mutahorses are not the fastest way of transport.”


Which was when the medium-large armoured-armed, double dirigible shaped, airship came flowing low into air above the compound. Some fools shot at it before wiser ones jumped them for the simple reason many gun‑turrets dotted the belly of the flying vessel.

She sighed yet again. “I take it that that is a transport vessel.”

He nodded even as there was a quick burst of gunfire from another part of the compound. Then he explained, in an almost indifferent fashion. “Dangerous infiltrators, of a kind known as cyborgmans, have been dealt with. They are moderately cyborged human clones being, in this case, specialised in covert operations.”

Angus frowned. “You have learned much in just a short time being in WashingtonEWS.”

He grinsmiled. “The SpectreOrder has been here for over a year.”


The marshal frowned. “Now why doesn’t that surprise me?”

Soon they were moving out except for a fair sized minority who chose to return to their settlements to warn them of the coming threat from Quadtowertown.

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Edited 1.1[1] at Post #1.




The SpectreOrder people had only told part of the truth to the SLEWS Marshal Angus. While there was a threat, coming from Quadtowertown, the more immediate one seemed to be arising out of ‘nowhere’, coming up through the Secret OldPentagon. It was a new surge of cyborghants, cyborgmans, Shadowites along with robots and odd android like humanoids called sydroids, sydroid being short for synthdroid.

The cyborghants were not those as found by PaleOneMum, when she was PaleOneMan02, for she had given them mercy after Stella’s Ironsoperats had departed from that complex. Clearly they had come from elsewhere, perhaps from another poorly made that allowed radiation to enter it to mutate cyborgmans inside capsules.

Veralina Irons sent a message to her former husband stating that she had nothing to do with the assault and was being forced to conceal herself from it. He believed her because it was not her way to rely on such tactics and he suspected that she did not control such large forces.

PaleOneDad sent a message to PrimeElder Rowyn Irons that the Shadowlord ConsaquincCal was in command of the large force but that the Shadowite was itself being controlled by another entity of far greater power than itself. Not even the species, of that one, was known except that PaleOneDad figured it was of the PaleEntities but not one familiar to him or even known to the PaleOneThreeNinePyrammax. If that was true it went back to a truly terrible transdimensional war that ended in the PaleSplintering that greatly effected multiple species and which seemed to have a poorly understood link to mystifying Doomsday of the Wasteworld.

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Changes to special dates have been made as quoted below from where those changes have been made.


'Techorderlers made their way through the OldPentagon of Washington DC that officially ceased to function on Warday, of 2020AD, when the nuclear, biological, and nerve gas bombs were dropped across much of the world. The mysterious Doomsday followed in 2121AD after a century that was strangely obscure as history.'

From 1.1[1] of Post #1

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