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When you successfully charge $99.99 for something you already sold


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The wet dream of every stockholder/manager. People who pay every month while you just do... well... nothing. I can't really say that Bethesda was eager and busy to fix the game. Instead they focused on that and the Atom-Shop.


I also played the game for a while (about 80 hours). But that's it. It's not like other MMOs where I'm spending 1000s of hours in the same game (like The Division). I have the bad feeling that Fallout 4 was the last "real" Fallout (and now some people will now tell me that New Vegas was the last real Fallout). When I see what Ubisoft did to Ghost Recon...

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The wet dream of every stockholder/manager. People who pay every month while you just do... well... nothing. I can't really say that Bethesda was eager and busy to fix the game. Instead they focused on that and the Atom-Shop.


It's the strategy of all AAA developers these days. Turn games into what they call a "service" or an "experience", which, of course only Multiplayer can provide and milk the dolts out of their last penny. With Loot Boxes, (Copyright EA - "surprise mechanics") microtransactions, ingame shops like CC and every other tool that promises a dime.


As long as the players don't vote with their feet, this will continue and this will get worse. I fear we've seen the last of quality games.

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Sure. And multiplayer games are also easier and cheaper to create. You donât need storywriters or a lot of voice actors. You donât need to script scenes and think about a great plot.


But you can charge a fortune with cosmetics or overpowered items. Cosmetic only MTX is one thing I usually donât have a problem with. But the prices have to be reasonable. Not like Bethesdaâs 20$ PA texture. Selling consumables or other items that effect gameplay in a multiplayer game is simply pay2win.


The game studios probably saw how much money those Pay2Win mobile games generate and thought they need to step up a bit. Very sad...


But youâre right. There are too many people who just donât care and buy everything they get offered. Sure the game studios adapt for their âžtarget audienceâ who want a nice in-game Shop which makes them happy like a woman in a shoe store :D.


I mean: Would you do it differently if you have a bunch of greedy stockholders/shareholders sitting in your neck? There still has to be a better balance between them making money and us gamers having fun.

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I mean: Would you do it differently if you have a bunch of greedy stockholders/shareholders sitting in your neck? There still has to be a better balance between them making money and us gamers having fun.


And that's the problem of the whole industry. Beancounters instead of creatives calling the shots. They're corporations now, selling cheap crap.

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Right. They just adapt to the âžindustry standardsâ.


They just want to target casuals as they bring more money. That was their biggest mistake for FO76. Because the game is too broken for causals and their loyal customers who liked their games and accepted the bugs, are now in rage, too. So they lost everything. Greed can be such a bit***.

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This is just like... wtf I mean really? how many will pay for it seriously?


So basically fallout 76 is just worse prologue to fallout 4 with only multiplayer...


Corrected. Look, guise, we need to seriously troll-slam this. Bathwater's lost their collective minds and the stronk is just beginning. Turns out that the "fallout first" subscription is for a scrapbox that you need to wait a while for syncing after each opening/addition/sampling from before swapping worlds, logging out, or letting another player access lest you LOSE YOUR SCRAP, private worlds that aren't private as they only partition to your friends list, not your direct choice and also are recycled instances as it's still on the Bathwater servers (read NO MODS), some Atoms, inferior mockup of Ranger armor, and emotes/cosmetics.


Also, as a sign of just how little Bathwater collectively give a shoot, they didn't even secure the website so a disgruntled player was easily able to scoop it up and post a hilariously obscene yet accurate send-up of the lying advertisement that was up there previously.

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Yeah the site I posted it up there lol hilarious. Best thing to do is not buy fallout 76 if you already have bought it then try to get a refund don't give them any more money. Bethesda is under severe pressure to provide a return on investment to this big money investor they promised the world to and they must have told that sucker a big fat tale about how incredibly stupid and gullible we all are and how they can collect a fortune from us if only they had someone investment to get started. When someone does something once they will do it again so if beth was willing to pitch a big fat lie to one investor they are willing to pitch it to another and another. All we will get from beth is more of the same.

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