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MCA Not Working ( Lots of Errors )


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Today I searched through a few mods and came upon the Morrowind Comes Alive Mod.

I downloaded the mod and placed the files into the morrowind folder like i did with other mods before but whenever i try to start the game it pops up with a ton of erros:


Current file "MCA.esm"
Cell "Caldera, Nedhelas' House"
Object reference "in_impsmall_door_01"
missing in master file.
Current file "MCA.esm"
Cell "Pelagiad, Fort Pelagiad"
Object reference "andilu drothan"
missing in master file.
Current file "MCA.esm"
Cell "Vivec, Andilu Drothan: Alchemist"
Object reference "maesa gabinia"
missing in master file.
Current file "MCA.esm"
Cell "Vivec, The Lizard's Head"
Object reference "EX_MH_temple_door_01"
missing in master file.
Current file "MCA.esm"
Cell "Mournhold Temple: Reception Area"
Object reference "Catia Sosia"
missing in master file.
Current file "MCA.esm"
Cell "Mournhold, Armory"
Cell "Mournhold" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Unable to locate object 'WAR_MISC_SKIRT12a' in Leveled Item '_MCA_common_skirt'.
thats only part of all the errors i get, the last line actually repeats itself hundreds of times with different items...did i do something wrong when installing the mod? i will drop my warning.txt file here as well if anyone wants to look into it ( ended up just closing the game since i didnt wanna go through all the error messages )
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Unable to locate object 'WAR_MISC_SKIRT12a' in Leveled Item '_MCA_common_skirt'

Are you using an add-on without all its dependencies? From the object ID that looks like one of Westly's

i managed to fix most of the errors by installing other mods yes...but sadly the first errors still appear even after trying out different versions of the mca mod...i couldnt really find a fix for it either...i can simply skip all those warning messages but once i wanna start a game it crashes and says something like "Expression Error Unable to find cell id "Eingang der Koal-Höhle" in script devalFollow."

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"Expression Error Unable to find cell id "Eingang der Koal-Höhle" in script devalFollow."[/size]

That's a non-English Cell name. You've got to use mods for the language version of the game you're running. So if you're running the, e.g., German version then MCA won't work unless it's translated.
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Unable to locate object 'WAR_MISC_SKIRT12a' in Leveled Item '_MCA_common_skirt'

Are you using an add-on without all its dependencies? From the object ID that looks like one of Westly's

i managed to fix most of the errors by installing other mods yes...but sadly the first errors still appear even after trying out different versions of the mca mod...i couldnt really find a fix for it either...i can simply skip all those warning messages but once i wanna start a game it crashes and says something like "Expression Error Unable to find cell id "Eingang der Koal-Höhle" in script devalFollow."

As Dragon said, you can only fix it by using the English version of Morrowind or using a German mod translation.

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