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Skyrim Reputation mod


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for thoes that have or have tried this mod, Does anyone know how the hell to work this?


because Yeah i don't think this mod works, i've killed many people on mere whims, stolen tons of s*** because i could, trespassed a few times because who gives a s*** about there two cents, completed many of the DB quests, worship Molag Bal, is a vampire and doesn't give a s*** who sees me feed, have a bounty of several thousand in most holds and yet i'm still neutral with no fame/infamy. WTF do you have to do to become infamous?. i think the only thing ive noticed change even slightly was how people reacted to me being near them for the most part and they talk to me like i'm some annoying low grade vagabond and i naturally kill them for this of course, if i can. and this is several hours into the game. and yet i'm still neutral with no infamy. and my character is the evilest thing on two legs. WTF.

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