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New to Using Nexus Mods, Game Won't Open


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I'm familiar with using the in-game mods menu, but my husband recently got a gaming computer and I was feeling adventurous. Now, I go to open the game (click the icon, click play) and then nothing happens. The game won't launch. I disabled all the nexus mods and it loaded just fine. I thought maybe it was because I still had in-game mods active, so I disabled those and re-enabled the ones from nexus with the same result. So I deleted the in-game mods and tried again and still the same result. I'm alright with completely starting over if needed; I just want to play. I only have 8 mods installed, most of which are immersion based (campfire/frostfall, sounds, textures, etc).

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Welcome to the rabbit hole of modding that is Skyrim!


Skyrim hates when you delete mods during a playthrough. Things tend to go broke that way.


If you are using mods you will have to launch Skyrim through the SKSE (Skyrim Script Extender) launcher and not the default Skyrim launcher.


Aside from that if you are still having problems post your load order and plugins list and maybe someone can help troubleshoot whats going on.

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Welcome to the rabbit hole of modding that is Skyrim!


Skyrim hates when you delete mods during a playthrough. Things tend to go broke that way.


If you are using mods you will have to launch Skyrim through the SKSE (Skyrim Script Extender) launcher and not the default Skyrim launcher.


Aside from that if you are still having problems post your load order and plugins list and maybe someone can help troubleshoot whats going on.


Lets not give them mis-information (part in bold underline).


The SKSE launcher only needs to be used when using mods that require SKSE. If none of the mods require it, then using the default launcher is completely acceptable.

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SKSE is a Skyrim Script Extender. The main purpose is to provide additional functions and events for the Papyrus Script Engine used by the game. This allows mod authors to do things that could not have been done or would require a clunky work around process. You can get it here: https://skse.silverlock.org/


Be sure to download the build appropriate for the version of the game that you are using. I recommend using the 7z archive option and manually installing. You can extract everything to the main game folder but the archive does contain build files not necessary to actually using it. This video may be of help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtTNz9dgPYY

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