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invisible or removed sack hoods mod


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I really hate the sack hoods on the raiders. It kind of makes stuff like "raider variety" less so. I prefer to see my enemies faces in any event. I see lots of make all headgear of hats invisible but none for the sack hoods. I would be all kinds of happy and appreciative if something like this existed

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I thought of this, when I first saw the request. To paraphrase (I think) Strong-

"Her UGLY! I see why they cover their faces!"

Some of those raiders just Need a bag over their heads. :laugh: :laugh:


I was actually just gonna do a patch to add the sack hoods into one of the mods that makes the headgear invisible. But ya beat me to it, and did it better than I was thinking of. Especially since I kinda forgot there's 3 variants, haha. So WAY TO GO Gamewinner! We're lucky to have ya here in our section of the forums :)


Hrm. Maybe this will be incentive for me to DL one of those raiderette mods........

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I thought of this, when I first saw the request. To paraphrase (I think) Strong-

"Her UGLY! I see why they cover their faces!"

Some of those raiders just Need a bag over their heads. :laugh: :laugh:


I was actually just gonna do a patch to add the sack hoods into one of the mods that makes the headgear invisible. But ya beat me to it, and did it better than I was thinking of. Especially since I kinda forgot there's 3 variants, haha. So WAY TO GO Gamewinner! We're lucky to have ya here in our section of the forums :smile:


Hrm. Maybe this will be incentive for me to DL one of those raiderette mods........


welcome :smile:


i strongly Recommend Unique NPCs, as it includes the Raiderette Mod built in, also gives a lot of diversity to all NPC, especially raiders :wink:

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