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Oblivion Cosplay


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I'm a cosplayer myself, but I have only cosplayed superheroes, Star Wars, Death Note and Kingdom Hearts characters. I have seriously thought about trying to make the Cowl of Nocturnal and sneaking around conventions or getting a black robe and appearing in guest's hotel rooms to ask them to join the Dark Brotherhood. Though either one may get me bounty with con security...


CON SECURITY: Stop! You violated con regulation! Pay a fine or serve your sentence! Your stolen goods are now forfeit!


GRAY FOX COSPLAYER: Resist arrest!


CON SECURITY: I'll make con chairman for this!


(Gray Fox Cosplayer removes Cowl.)


CON SECURITY: Oh, sorry to bother you, sir.


(The other guests wonder what the hell just happened.)

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Most people wouldnt recognize Oblicion Stuff. Well, the Cowl perhaps, but you would have to make a Leather Curias and Pants as well.


Well, how about a Swordsman with Goldbrand, Escutcheon of Chorrol and full Daedric? :D


Now that would be a Pain in the behind to make...

First, take a normal "decorative" Katana thingy, pour a few drops Gasoline over it, there you'll have your "Goldbrand" :D

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LOL. I could always just explain to people who I am. I forgot to mention I have a buddy who cosplays Altair, so we thought him teaming up with the Gray Fox would be hilarious.

I fear the Gray Fox is a notorious unknown even to the Cyrodiil authorities, it's indeed a good idea explaining people on cosplay.... uhhh... what is Oblivion? :)


But that's it, the important is having fun. Go for it.

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