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Leg glitch?


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Hello everyone!


So, I have a little problem here... Whenever i turn the camera around in third person mode while I'm in "battle stance" this happens:


(No, it is not video lag, it really does that, or worse! It also isn't a FPS problem! )

So yeah, I've already removed all my body mods ( I kept texture mods because I think those aren't the problem ). After the recording of the video i reinstalled the game and that still happens...


I hope you can help me as i've seen YouTube videos and this really isn't supposed to happen

Edited by JohnyAlvez
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My guess is that it is related to the armor you are wearing...have you tried other boots?

Alternatively, it could be a change to your skeleton (body mod) or the ground--does it happen everywhere or just Whiterun>? Are you using mods that affect objects like rugs (such as SMIM)

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