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Event/Action Log


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Is there any plan for an Event Log?


Where you can backtrack through what was enabled/disable/installed/removed chronologically?


It doesn't need to log deploys details either but definitely save/revert info when external changes occur.


I am not leaning towards automating an undo feature but more for us flubups to see what action may have affected what.





Like for instance, I had a disabled mod which I can't even recall what it was... but it wasn't at all a variant of Dyndolod or it's output data I had installed.


Yet, when I removed this disabled mod and deployed, I get an External Change dialog telling me a dds file in my active dyndolod mod was deleted. I reverted of course but WTF?!


I wasn't doing anything externally and hadn't touched dyndolod since two days prior and had deployed and tested my recent dLod gen pass quite a few times until that point.


Just trying to recall what mod it was and why it would affect an active mod's assets.

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