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WHy is the console such a taboo ?


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As an archer, if you run out of arrows your pretty much f***ed. Using the console to give you arrows in a tight spot i don't consider cheating.


There are many other skills to level in the game that can be used as back up moves or can be used in combination with being an archer. Don't see a fighter as being that good if s/he's a one trick pony anyway.


Not all of us are chasing a level 80 character, there are those among us who like to RP....That 'one trick pony' can be a devastating opponent when the right tools (skills) and tactics are combined....don't knock what you don't know.

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As an archer, if you run out of arrows your pretty much f***ed. Using the console to give you arrows in a tight spot i don't consider cheating.


There are many other skills to level in the game that can be used as back up moves or can be used in combination with being an archer. Don't see a fighter as being that good if s/he's a one trick pony anyway.


Not all of us are chasing a level 80 character, there are those among us who like to RP....That 'one trick pony' can be a devastating opponent when the right tools (skills) and tactics are combined....don't knock what you don't know.


I pretty much only play Skyrim for the RP. I've invested over 200 hours in my file and am not even close to max level or even beating the main quest line. I RP often in mmos, run DnD, and my Skyrim character has her own journal that I write down her thoughts in for.


What I am saying is....well, when I mentioned one trick pony, I meant that on an immersive level, good fighters are not one trick ponies. I don't really understand the mentality that an archer has to be ranged only or a warrior has to be axe only, etc. My character is an orc, who is your traditional warrior, but she runs around with a small bit of magic usage for utility's sake and sometimes wields a bow when the situation calls for it.


But, that's just my playstyle. You can stick to yours of course, but that's just what I think and why I do it.


And ultimately why I think using the console command is not only cheating, but terrible from an RPer's perspective.

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I pretty much only play Skyrim for the RP. I've invested over 200 hours in my file and am not even close to max level or even beating the main quest line. I RP often in mmos, run DnD, and my Skyrim character has her own journal that I write down her thoughts in for.


What I am saying is....well, when I mentioned one trick pony, I meant that on an immersive level, good fighters are not one trick ponies. I don't really understand the mentality that an archer has to be ranged only or a warrior has to be axe only, etc. My character is an orc, who is your traditional warrior, but she runs around with a small bit of magic usage for utility's sake and sometimes wields a bow when the situation calls for it.


But, that's just my playstyle. You can stick to yours of course, but that's just what I think and why I do it.


And ultimately why I think using the console command is not only cheating, but terrible from an RPer's perspective.


I am too ashamed to mention how many hours I have invested in Skyrim.... :ohdear: ....it's called way too much time on my hands.... :blush:


You and I obviously see immersion in combat, RP for combat gaming and what creates a good warrior in very different ways....go through the history books and you will find specialization very common and they become very good at their chosen field and tend to stick with it.....I found in Skyrim personally before I selected higher difficulties and downloaded combat realism mods I was able to use his Duel Wield back up effectively....but once the difficulty went up and the combat realism mods went in as my dude is primarily an Archer his swordsmanship and Armor rating do not keep up with the levels so well.... :ohdear: ....doesn't leave him too healthy. That said, if he has to cqc his Bow still remains his best option....can block and stagger with a Bow and dodging remains more viable due to the stance....He is a Bowman, that is his combat RP....And NEVER touches magic....also an RP choice....his a Nord he doesn't trust magic, in fact there is a mod out there that removes all start up magic spells, I use it, he doesn't do magic....I am still looking to remove his magika bar altogether.


My thoughts on console commands....the only way you can cheat in a SP game is if it is cheating yourself of your own enjoyment of the game.....as for RP perspective, console command is a boon....such as my wiping out the Thieves Guild, that's exactly what my Dovahkin would do and console makes his RP possible.

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Console is not a taboo per se. You can use it if you want or not. Me, I use it for screenshots, I use it if it is necessary to shut down parts of a mod before uninstalling it, I attempt to use it to solve broken quests but that has lead to other problems so I try not to even do those quests any more, or if I do research the solutions prior to using the console.


I don't use it to add items for actual game play, I will use it to add items when testing out aspects of things I've been working on.


It has its uses and its' a very powerful tool to have on hand in the modders arsenal, for actual game play tho I prefer to leave it be. In fact anything that halts the flow of the game is rather annoying. If a mod requires those menu boxes every time you use that mod in a gaming session, I don't use that mod. A one time event when mod is installed or uninstalled to pass pertinent information I'll deal with it, but constantly no way.

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Console is not a taboo per se. You can use it if you want or not. Me, I use it for screenshots, I use it if it is necessary to shut down parts of a mod before uninstalling it, I attempt to use it to solve broken quests but that has lead to other problems so I try not to even do those quests any more, or if I do research the solutions prior to using the console.


I don't use it to add items for actual game play, I will use it to add items when testing out aspects of things I've been working on.


It has its uses and its' a very powerful tool to have on hand in the modders arsenal, for actual game play tho I prefer to leave it be. In fact anything that halts the flow of the game is rather annoying. If a mod requires those menu boxes every time you use that mod in a gaming session, I don't use that mod. A one time event when mod is installed or uninstalled to pass pertinent information I'll deal with it, but constantly no way.



I have only come across one of those mods myself and 'yes' that was cheating.... :tongue: ....was a Crossbow, only a tetexture of the vanilla Crossbow, but is cheating if you console it in Helgen.... :laugh: ....I quickly changed my mind, reloaded and went back to the duel daggers I...yup...console, due to the fact that duel wielding the swords looks ridiculous...daggers may pump out less damage, but look so much more realistic....Aesthetics are big thing for me.

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I pretty much only play Skyrim for the RP. I've invested over 200 hours in my file and am not even close to max level or even beating the main quest line. I RP often in mmos, run DnD, and my Skyrim character has her own journal that I write down her thoughts in for.


What I am saying is....well, when I mentioned one trick pony, I meant that on an immersive level, good fighters are not one trick ponies. I don't really understand the mentality that an archer has to be ranged only or a warrior has to be axe only, etc. My character is an orc, who is your traditional warrior, but she runs around with a small bit of magic usage for utility's sake and sometimes wields a bow when the situation calls for it.


But, that's just my playstyle. You can stick to yours of course, but that's just what I think and why I do it.


And ultimately why I think using the console command is not only cheating, but terrible from an RPer's perspective.


I am too ashamed to mention how many hours I have invested in Skyrim.... :ohdear: ....it's called way too much time on my hands.... :blush:


You and I obviously see immersion in combat, RP for combat gaming and what creates a good warrior in very different ways....go through the history books and you will find specialization very common and they become very good at their chosen field and tend to stick with it.....I found in Skyrim personally before I selected higher difficulties and downloaded combat realism mods I was able to use his Duel Wield back up effectively....but once the difficulty went up and the combat realism mods went in as my dude is primarily an Archer his swordsmanship and Armor rating do not keep up with the levels so well.... :ohdear: ....doesn't leave him too healthy. That said, if he has to cqc his Bow still remains his best option....can block and stagger with a Bow and dodging remains more viable due to the stance....He is a Bowman, that is his combat RP....And NEVER touches magic....also an RP choice....his a Nord he doesn't trust magic, in fact there is a mod out there that removes all start up magic spells, I use it, he doesn't do magic....I am still looking to remove his magika bar altogether.


My thoughts on console commands....the only way you can cheat in a SP game is if it is cheating yourself of your own enjoyment of the game.....as for RP perspective, console command is a boon....such as my wiping out the Thieves Guild, that's exactly what my Dovahkin would do and console makes his RP possible.


*ear tic* Combat realism mods?


Tonight I did the quest where you go to the Winterhold college.



My character put on her magey uniform because she was politely asked. What the heck. She was just there for the elder scroll. But she attended the classes there, wearing her uniform the whole time. Then that dungeon in Saarthal happened. And she was like "Uh, uh. Armor and weapons in dorm room." *Runs around killing things with with beginner level spells and shouts*



But good point on the RP thing. Darn I love me some good RP.

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musicalfrog7 said :

"I would call the game itself as the boundaries for the rules."



--> I have no opinion. But that is not what they call "thinking out of the box". Plus, Bethesda made it clear enough that pre designed ideas* such as the good ol' JRR Tolkien's lore is not a religion. In Mundus, Dwarves used magic. And they were elves too. Goblins are a legend, and as every legend, it is part facts and part exaggeration. Trees don't talk. So what ? I'm okay with that. Etc...


I like to think out of the box, so long as I get to create a believable world. Bethesda did half of the job and let modders fill in the blank on purpose. That's a shame but at least I have a very personal version of Skyrim, and thanks to that, I don't waste time debating what's wrong and what's not. Because just asking is pointless.





* may be be a bad translation. Let's say "hackneyed clichés"

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*ear tic* Combat realism mods?


Tonight I did the quest where you go to the Winterhold college.



My character put on her magey uniform because she was politely asked. What the heck. She was just there for the elder scroll. But she attended the classes there, wearing her uniform the whole time. Then that dungeon in Saarthal happened. And she was like "Uh, uh. Armor and weapons in dorm room." *Runs around killing things with with beginner level spells and shouts*



But good point on the RP thing. Darn I love me some good RP.


A mod that increases Archery range and have removed Archery's 'auto aim'....will take my own shots with my own abilities thank you very much.... :happy:


Plus 'Duel Combat Realism'....a fantastic mod....it improves tremendously the AI in combat, actually adds grey matter between their ears.... :happy: .....they behave in a more cohesive manner, their blocking skills heightened, work more so as a group in attempts to flank you and their Archers will keep you flying for cover whilst the cqc weapons wielders move in on your position.....The best element for me as a Stealthy Archer is they no longer look at their suddenly dead mate for 5 seconds and then decide nothing's amiss.... :blink: ....the buggers now dive for cover and/or don't give up on trying to hunt you down...it has certainly forced me to rethink tactics...can't draw them out in the open so easily and if you have a position they can't get to they take cover from your line of sight forcing you to have to move and give up your prime position and expose yourself to attack.....I have to choose the order of my targets very carefully now....pre-plan positions of contact, always hunting for potential high points offering cover....lay traps and ambushes...and overall just have to play with a lot more thought and on the fly planning and tactics....Combat has become very interesting and a fun challenge.... :happy:


As for the Mages College and my Dovahkins refusal to take part in such nonsense.... :tongue: ....it took me awhile but did eventually find a way for him to skirt around that issue of joining the Mages College to retrieve the Scroll....still trying to find a good way to RP that one....him just happening to stumble across the crazy old guy with the Dwemer Box is getting a bit old and stale.... :happy:


Yup, strong RP is awesome.... :dance: ...I like that you didn't carry your Armor and Weapons to Saarthal.... :happy: ....I am pedantic and picky about what my dude carries around with him and how much weight his carrying at any given time, it has to be a realistic load out....no extra back up Armor or Weapons, only what he uses...only the one set of Armor his wearing, one Bow with Quiver, two short Swords (steel mod swords not much longer than and ebony dagger), Poisons, Lockpicks, Flint (campfire), Bedroll, three satchel kits, a Tanning Rack (I pretend he makes that on the fly), some food and drink and his worn jewellery...that's it...doesn't loot large items either, only small valuable items....I find more realistic (as close as you can get) a lot more fun....Also have full back story and very distinct character and morality, always what would he do and why.

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As for the Mages College and my Dovahkins refusal to take part in such nonsense.... :tongue: ....it took me awhile but did eventually find a way for him to skirt around that issue of joining the Mages College to retrieve the Scroll....still trying to find a good way to RP that one....him just happening to stumble across the crazy old guy with the Dwemer Box is getting a bit old and stale....

I always wondered about "going thru the back door" i.e. somehow finding your way up to the exit from the midden (the one that's on the mountainside)
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