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Need help with character creation


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you need Looksmenu: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12631


and F4SE: https://f4se.silverlock.org


as well as any other mod, said character preset(s) require


Copy all F4SE Content to Fallout 4 Installation Folder, then install Looksmenu, as well as the presets you want to use, and all required mods, the presets uses.


once you have all required mods, you then now launch Fallout 4 Via F4SE. by Double Clicking on: f4se_loader.exe (every time you wish to play the game, that means you no longer launch the game via Fallout4.exe or its launcher.)


so basically, every time you wish to play the Fallout 4, you now only Double Click on f4se_loader.exe


Note: if the Presets Option is Greyed out, that means their is No Presets in the F4SE Preset Folder


Note: F4SE Must Match the Game Version of Fallout 4, and must be updated every time the Fallout 4 Executable is Updated (which will be almost every time steam updates fallout 4)



Install Order:


1. Install F4SE First, by copying its Content to your Fallout 4 Installation Folder


2. Now install Looksmenu


3. Now Install Character Presets Mod Requirements


4. Lastly install the Actual Character Preset



Note: All information Listed here is General Information, that is guranteed results. as such whilst you do have the Presets option, means you already know half of this information, but as said i am writing it all due to its guranteed results. so you only need to read the bit that will be relevant to you.

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Hi Gridlockdown. What gamewinner posted for you, is spot on. Thats if you're using .json presets. If you're using .esp presets, and they aren't showing up, you either have another presets .esp file active (you can only run ONE at a time for esp preset mods) or you have a body mod that is blocking the preset mod. (they can be fickle). An example would be that I used to use Curvy and Buff (which resets the body triangle values) and it would make a few .esp preset mods not work.


Now, in the case of if the preset is in the form of a saved game.... after you have installed LooksMenu, and opened the game thru F4se, you have to manually open the save file by choose LOAD, instead of New or Continue. Then you can open the character creation menu thru a Surgeon chair, or a mod like LooksMirror, Cheat Terminal, or the like. Once the Character face menu is open you should see an option that says Presets. Choose that. Then choose SAVE. Then you can name the preset, and be able to use it anytime that you have LooksMenu enabled.

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welcome :smile:


Note: you can also go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\F4EE


and inside the F4EE folder, create the Presets Folder here, and copy and paste your Preset.json file in to that folder. that will also work.


should the mod manager fail to install it properly.

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Hi Gridlock- 1) Make sure that you are booting the game up through F4se, looksmenu won't work right unless you do.

After starting the game, go to your mods list thru the game menu, and make sure that it's enabled as an active mod. (Mine deactivates itself when I turn off the game!)

Make sure that you have preset .json files inside the presets folder.

To activate the presets, you have to click the area that says presets. For me, I use a controller, so it's the top left trigger button. I don't know what the keyboard key to use them is.

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