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Yngol barrow


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not sure if this is even a bug but whenever i enter the barrow the screen goes all kinda hippie tie die colours no its not my gpu, given how colourful the game is and all its magicy stuff im half convinced its a part of the cell and as intended by the devs but its more or less unplayable cos i cant see much .yet when i found the back door to yngol barrow with the small port cullis style gate which opens from the inside (the exit im guessing) the dragur dude is clearly visible and napping in his throne so whats the deal is it a quest that needs to be started before entering or is it a bug ?


i remember it from my first play through and never resolved it 2nd time around id like to know either way what the deal is .

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This sounds like an issue that's happened to certain people with Bethesda's other games. I had this issue with Fallout 3, but not NV. I used to get weird color blotches pop up while playing Oblivion on my old Radeon HD 4670 card. It could just be a strange happening with your GPU, or something on Bethesdas end. Is this only happening in Yngol Barrow?
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