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Changing item names, does it cause problems?


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highly unlikely, as long as you are not re-naming the actual record entry itself (the very thing you double click on to be able to change the properties of a specific item, such as cram in this regard).


the crafting recipes should simply display the new name, and likewise the mod in question will display the new name as a requirement to craft the new item.


however with Regards to Item Sorting mods, it might prevent them sorting it properly.



here is another example: say a mod required the Drifter Outfit to craft a new outfit


armor_Wastelander01 <-- armor record entry


Drifter outfit <-- the actual in game name of the record entry above


if you for example re-name Drifter Outfit to Wondering Coat


this will not be an issue, the mod in question, will now display Wondering Coat as a requirement to craft its outfit, and work without issues.


however if you renamed armor_Wastelander01 (the record entry itself) to Armor_Wondering Coat, this will be an issue, and the mod that required it will no longer work, with regards to being able to craft the the new outfit that the mod in question contains.


so yea i am pretty sure the only mods that require property names to be in tact is Sorting Mods. every other mod should be fair game, and have no issues with properties being changed, as long as the actual records entries themselves are left unaltered (which could only either be Re-named, Deleted or Duplicated)

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highly unlikely, as long as you are not re-naming the actual record entry itself (the very thing you double click on to be able to change the properties of a specific item, such as cram in this regard).


the crafting recipes should simply display the new name, and likewise the mod in question will display the new name as a requirement to craft the new item.


however with Regards to Item Sorting mods, it might prevent them sorting it properly.



here is another example: say a mod required the Drifter Outfit to craft a new outfit


armor_Wastelander01 <-- armor record entry


Drifter outfit <-- the actual in game name of the record entry above


if you for example re-name Drifter Outfit to Wondering Coat


this will not be an issue, the mod in question, will now display Wondering Coat as a requirement to craft its outfit, and work without issues.


however if you renamed armor_Wastelander01 (the record entry itself) to Armor_Wondering Coat, this will be an issue, and the mod that required it will no longer work, with regards to being able to craft the the new outfit that the mod in question contains.


so yea i am pretty sure the only mods that require property names to be in tact is Sorting Mods. every other mod should be fair game, and have no issues with properties being changed, as long as the actual records entries themselves are left unaltered (which could only either be Re-named, Deleted or Duplicated)

I figured I would be ok to do so, I have renamed all food/drink/aid item names and added my own sorting labels to them and seen no problems come up.



Ex: Cram - (F) Cram. But I never changed the whole name to something else. Figured I was lucky since I didn't change the word much just added my own tags.


Sorting mods have no use to me to since I made my own sorting but thanks for the heads up.


Glad to know I'm safe to change all food items to their real life counter parts to match the textures.

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This is a screenshot from F4edit https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2737/ which is primarily what I use.

This is also clearly not cram, but one of the gun mods that I use. I chose it, just because I wouldn't have to take the time for f4edit to find "cram" in the search, lol.


You'll see that I've got two things highlighted. One in yellow, one in blue.

The one in yellow, you want to leave alone, when you edit your new copy in your override. That's the one that the system uses, and all recipes reference to.

The one in blue, with the arrow, is the name that shows up in your game screen and you can change to anything that you want :wink:



Editor ID - Anything you want.

Edited by StormWolf01
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attachicon.gif 2019-11-03 20 36 42.jpg


This is a screenshot from F4edit https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2737/ which is primarily what I use.

This is also clearly not cram, but one of the gun mods that I use. I chose it, just because I wouldn't have to take the time for f4edit to find "cram" in the search, lol.


You'll see that I've got two things highlighted. One in yellow, one in blue.

The one in yellow, you want to leave alone, when you edit your new copy in your override. That's the one that the system uses, and all recipes reference to.

The one in blue, with the arrow, is the name that shows up in your game screen and you can change to anything that you want :wink:



Editor ID - Anything you want.

Yea I got it all figured out now. Thanks for the help.

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