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"!" when using ck


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So, when I look under the hood at a lot of mods, I see lots of "!" everywhere. Made sure all dependencies and resources needed are also loaded.
From googling... I *think* it's because the creation kit can't see resources in a mod's bsa format texture/meshes? But... that's insane, that can't be true, can it?

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Those are called "Splats" by the way. It's a term that was come up with for warning icons way, way, waaaaaay back in the OLD Microsoft tech days.


I wish I could be more help than that. I've tried a couple of things in the CK but I honestly can't even navigate that program. I'm almost a xEdit purist since then.

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... I *think* it's because the creation kit can't see resources in a mod's bsa format texture/meshes? But... that's insane, that can't be true, can it?

Yes it is. Both, true and insane. Some time ago i tpacked my mod's assests into a ba2-archive and got this nice exclamation marks too. So, beth hasn't fixed it... :down: :wallbash:


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You're saying that the CK cannot read meshes that are in ba2s? I feel like I'm misunderstanding, so I mean no disrespect. I've run into the same issue, I would imagine it has to do with the meshes file path when it was compressed into ba2, possibly even wrong compression type selected during the process. My mod reads everything correctly with the assets in ba2, but when I extract them to loose files I get the exclamation Marks. This is odd because it was obviously in loose files before I packed it.
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