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NMM 0.31.2 Released


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@Leandro63 You can do what I do, I rename all my mod archives(so everything under the "Mods" tab) by category. So any texture mods are called "Texture - modnamehere", or "Gameplay - Followers - modnametwo" and so on.


But some way to tag or flag mods by type would be cool, maybe some kind of color coding. (Im aware this isnt the place for suggestions)

Edited by Achromatis
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it crashes when I try to uninstall mods :l


also, not all of my mods are loading, I'm trying to figure it out now

Edit: apparently it's the ones with plugins, it's trying to say that it's being used by another process but nothings open :l

Edited by Alucario
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@Deathtoheaven731: Nah, there are plenty of things that can still be improved with NMM. I think they're correct to keep calling it a beta.


The interface could still be more intuitive and logical (eg. a red X button means two different things depending what tab you're in), it gets confused when installing a mod's optional esps (it thinks you're trying to overwrite the mod with an older version), it has no search/find function (if a mod isn't intelligently named, and it's buried in a mod library of 200 mods, good luck finding it), it doesn't let you remove ESPs from your "plugins" page without removing the whole mod (annoying when a mod has 10 variant esps and you want to install only one and discard the other 9), etc. etc. etc.


It has thousands of issues in the official bugreport forums, and for a small minority of people NMM doesn't even work. No offence, but I'm glad the NMM creators have a different understanding of "pretty polished" than you... ;) That's the reason NMM is already so good, and that's the reason it will one day be so much better.


Edited by volnaiskra
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