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TNR Complete Omod


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I installed TNR Complete Omod (http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/16843), I followed the instructions and placed the .esp files into the Oblivion Data folder, ticked them on the launcher and noticed no changes.

I decided to look around in the comments and found this particular comment:



I cant seem to get it to work...

I copied the TNR ALL RACES FINAL.esp into the Oblivion data folder

I activated it in the Launcher Data Files... But I see no diffrence.

Can anyone help me here? :/"


That's exactly the same problem I am having, then someone replied to him.


"You need to import the facial changes into a Bashed Patch ideally, otherwise the facial geometries may be overwritten by other mods."


Can someone please explain this to me, please? I have no idea where to get the 'Bashed Patch' or what one is.



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Wrye Bash is a collection of utilities for Oblivion (and in recent editions other games). One of the utilities makes a 'bashed patch'. What it does is looks at your mod list, see where there are conflicts and opportunities to merge one or more mods to save .esp space and then creates a compatibility patch for conflicts and merges what can be merged into an .esp (called a bashed patch). To help it make good decisions on the merging and conflicts it uses BOSS (use the Mirrors tab for downloads). Here's a link to Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide to help give you a start on using WB.


_ Edit - Ninjaed by Hickory :thumbsup:

Edited by Striker879
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Wrye Bash is a collection of utilities for Oblivion (and in recent editions other games). One of the utilities makes a 'bashed patch'. What it does is looks at your mod list, see where there are conflicts and opportunities to merge one or more mods to save .esp space and then creates a compatibility patch for conflicts and merges what can be merged into an .esp (called a bashed patch). To help it make good decisions on the merging and conflicts it uses BOSS (use the Mirrors tab for downloads). Here's a link to Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide to help give you a start on using WB.


_ Edit - Ninjaed by Hickory :thumbsup:



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