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King of the hill


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The twin Vypers combine while being digested by GamingGriffin. When Alwx2Avs dragon slams into GamingGriffin, the new Vyper is released. Over the next few days, the reborn Vyper becomes stronger and stronger. In a heretofore unheard of feat of strength, Vyper pick up the hill and throws it into low orbit. Alex2Avs suffers immediate explosive decompression. What's left of Alex2Avs burns up when the hill reenters the atmosphere as the hill comes crashing back to Earth.


After it hits, Vyper once more assumes kingship of the hill.

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Rises back from the ashes, in his Phoenix form; dives and catches the Vyper in his claws, plucking its eyes out on his way to the Arctic Ocean; Then he drops the Vyper in the ocean, hoping it can swim, then he flies back to the now devastated hill; The throne seems ok tho', so he switches to the humanoid form and takes a seat.


Now, let's order some green tea.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Vyper treads water for two days while his eye regenerate, then starts swimming back to shore. On the way, Vyper gets swallowed by a giant whale. Vyper tickles the whale's throat, causing it to sneeze. The force of the giant whale sneeze launches Vyper at speeds approaching Mach 12. Vyper strikes Alex2Avs at hypersonic speeds, transferring all of his momentum in the process. The now hypersonic Alex2Avs goes flying out of control and lands in the middle of Egypt.


A bewildered Vyper resumes kingship of the hill.

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  • 1 month later...

The_Vyper gets a brain shock for flyimg too fast. Zimitry gently pushes him down the hill, letting him fall all the way. Zimitry sits on the hill wondering what was his reason for going up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Zimitry sits on the hill. Eonia jumps out of nowhere ready to tackle him! But she slipped and tumbles into him, pushing him down the hill by accident. "EPIC FAIL!", Eonia laughs about her clumsiness, "...but still the hill is mine now! For Justice!" 8D

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