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SkyUI remember previous menu selection, and more


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Something that aggravates me (that may just be happening to me) is how SkyUI seems to go to a random entry in the inventory, magic, or favorites menus whenever you pull them up. It's especially annoying when trying to set all of your equipment favorites.


1) Is it possible to have the menu selector return to the last item you used when you last closed the menu? This would be very nice for mods such as Better Spell Learning.


2) Is it also possible to keep the favorites menu from removing weapons and armor from favorites 'slots' when you upgrade them, or when they downgrade due to wear and tear mods.


Seriously, when you've got like 10 weapons and you upgrade them all during a single sitting at the grindstone, it can be quite annoying to have to put them all back into your 'weapons' slot in the favorites, especially when the menu keeps jumping to what seems to be a random location after every slot assignment O.o

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Did you know that you can sort your inventory by clicking at the top of each column?

Such as "Equipped", Damage, Weight, Value, (I think) Favorite, Level, etc?

Theres a few different options in the Name category etc.
And IIRC there's a gear icon where you can add/remove columns, there's a hidden Weight/Value column as well, which is handy if you use an autoloot program that will loot based on W/V etc.

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Did you know ...


there's a hidden Weight/Value column as well, which is handy if you use an autoloot program that will loot based on W/V etc.

Oh nice. I didn't know that. I use Convenient Horses which has auto loot and always struggled to find a suitable setting for w/v, and end up just using the default.
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