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To Those who know Lycanheart/ladygothica/Raven


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You know her as Lycanheart or Ladygothica, she makes mods and takes beautiful pics of your mods, well she had a heart attack over the weekend. She is recovering ok, but i am told she will never be the same. Its all the meds and stress in her life. I dont know if she will come back to the game but if she does, please stop the hate against her. This is not a lie to get her mods downloaded, so stop right there. Things you dont know


For those that don't know her you are missing out on a real nice friend,

Nexus account is http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/users/4737292


Her real name is sandy

She has a facebook that was hacked by a skyrim hacker recently which contributed to her illness http://www.facebook.com/lycanheart?ref=ts&fref=ts h8ters gonnner h8t :pirate: She only recently got her facebook page back.

She is the nicest girl in the world, and always helped others in game

She plays Lineage2


She is the only mother (not mine) that loves gothic and heavy metal. Often plays skyrim with music blaring so loud.


I know this is not the usual stuff to post on here but i did not know where to post it.

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I hope she manages to recover... sad when illness strikes like that.

I do want to poitn something out, though - would she want her name or facebook profile posted here? that seems like it could cause more stress for her, or feel like an invasion of privacy. Just a thought, no offense meant, and like I said I hope she does get well. Best wishes to her :)

edit hmm looks like this can be ignroed. :P lol

Edited by slainia
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