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Creation Kit BSShader error


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When I open my house mod in the Creation Kit, I am getting the message:



Normally I ignore the typical errors when I open, but this one is new, I've never seen it before.


I have 3 options--abort, retry, ignore. If I hit retry it continues loading as normal.


Can someone please let me know if this is a message I should pay attention to, and if so, what it might be releated to? (obviously it has something to do with BSShader....but beyond that, I mean)



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Iirc there should be a subfolder in your Skyrim directory that has "Shaders\BSlighting\ShaderProperty.cpp" in it. I presume it was installed by the CK. Yours appears to be missing. Maybe you need to verify your CK installation.
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Sorry my bad. I've just checked my folders and there's no such file.

Actually, after a bit of googling, it seems that this error might be caused by having vertex colors enabled on a nif, or maybe some other shader setting:


Just recently, when previewing the model in the Creation Kit I get this:

Assert Error

Assert File: C:\_Skyrim\Code\TESV\BSShader\Shaders\BSLightingShaderProperty.cpp


That Assert error is caused by Vertex colors in NiTriShapeData of second "GlassSwordBLoodEdge" node. When you delete vertex colors, error message don't show.

But by comparing with original nif file of Glass sword I noticed, that in NiTriShapeData of all NiTriShape nodes you have used vertex colors (all set to 1,1,1,1) and in Shader flags 2 of "Scb" and next two "GlassSword" nodes there is set SLSF2_Vertex_Colors flag. Also in Shader flags 2 of "GlassSwordBloodEdge" node there is set SLSF2_Vertex_Lighting. Original nif has no vertex colors used in any NiTriShapeData and no vertex color properties are used in Shader flags. So I think, that it should be same in your nif. Try to download both your nifs without vertex colors from here.


Reference post is here.

Edited by steve40
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Thank you, I should have checked back here before digging around in my kit this morning!! At least my cache is well verified! :laugh:


But my mod is a house mod, and I have not changed any nif forms.... Am I right in thinking that I will need to tackle the mysteries of TES5Edit to locate and remove this file?


Thanks again, BTW for the extra time in follow up. You are awesome!

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But my mod is a house mod, and I have not changed any nif forms.... Am I right in thinking that I will need to tackle the mysteries of TES5Edit to locate and remove this file?


I don't think you'll find any mention of it in tes5edit. Do you have any earlier backup files you could go back to? These days, I make a backup every time before I start working on a file.


Some random ideas which may be useful OR completely useless;


- Are you using any custom objects in your mod (not in the original skyrim)? You could try removing them

- Are you using complex light arrangements in your mod? You could try removing and placing them again

- have you tried copying over all objects in your current cell to a new cell and saving that as a new mod, then continue working from that one - this may or may not be feasible depending on how far along you are and how complex the scene is.


That last trick has solved some of my more arcane error messages for me on more than one occasion when working on a home. Don't know what got corrupted, but moving everything to a new cell in a new mod file sorted it.

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But my mod is a house mod, and I have not changed any nif forms.... Am I right in thinking that I will need to tackle the mysteries of TES5Edit to locate and remove this file?


I don't think you'll find any mention of it in tes5edit. Do you have any earlier backup files you could go back to? These days, I make a backup every time before I start working on a file.


Some random ideas which may be useful OR completely useless;


- Are you using any custom objects in your mod (not in the original skyrim)? You could try removing them

- Are you using complex light arrangements in your mod? You could try removing and placing them again

- have you tried copying over all objects in your current cell to a new cell and saving that as a new mod, then continue working from that one - this may or may not be feasible depending on how far along you are and how complex the scene is.


That last trick has solved some of my more arcane error messages for me on more than one occasion when working on a home. Don't know what got corrupted, but moving everything to a new cell in a new mod file sorted it.


Arcane errors...seems I specialize in those! :rolleyes:


I make saves all the time, too. Although since I got the error after reloading the toolskit, I was kinda hoping it wasn't me...(sad laugh)

I have made some changes in lighting. you are right though, I will load up an earlier save and see if that takes care of the problem. I am grateful for your help, and for the tough love!

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I get this error all the time...but my game runs perfectly. I just "retry" and let it go. I've had the error on all kinds of mods, even some with no worldly item changes (image space edits, weather edits for closer fog that I made both get this error).
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