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Far Harbor CTD


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I do see a few issues with your load order. But first, I wanna ask, what are the specs for your computer?

What processor speed, how much RAM, what video card (and how much VRAM)

How much ram is being used up while you have the game running, how much VRAM is available while game running, and does it spike, or spike really hard when you try to enter far harbor?

If so have you tried running at a lower graphics setting, before entering the DLC?

Do you have any ENB's running in your game?

I ask, because graphically speaking.... Bethesda took most of their mistakes they made with the graphics in this game, and threw a lot of them straight into this DLC.


Ok, now to what I see in your load order.

1) You do need to do some sorting, You've got tons of weapon, armor and power armor mods. Nothing wrong with that, but you've also got some gameplay and other types of mods mixed in with them. Try to keep item mods towards the lower end of your load. There's several guides for working out your load order over on (ugh) Bethesda.net

2) Get rid of the combined infinite ammo mod. Try this instead. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24233

The mod you're using has been known to break companion scripts. When it does, you can't command them, you can't send them home, the only thing you can do is listen to them follow you around and talk talk talk until you want to blow their heads off. Oh, they do still fight tho.

3) De-activate as much of that Creation Club content as you can. And avoid buying much more of it. Your save games will thank you for it.

4) IF you want to try it out, you can get Visible Companion affinity, and companions go home, in Amazing Follower Tweaks. Plus a lot more. IF you want to go that route, you can also get rid of InfiniteAmmo, and/or Better Companions, because AFT does all of them. (Except maybe fall damage. But it's redundant with AFT, because they don't fall, they teleport to you.)

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