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Pink bodies and missing textures after months w/o playing?


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After a few months of playing Skyim I went back to Fallout because you know, pew pew. I did all the updates of f4se and the mods that required it.

Then I see this:


I reinstalled all body mods, textures, armors, and every mod that may cause it, but nothing. Also verified the integrity of the game, but cant find any explanation of why this is happening suddenly, when I left the game everything was fine!

This is my mod list, any ideas? Thank you :C

0 0 Fallout4.esm

1 1 DLCRobot.esm

2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm

3 3 DLCCoast.esm

4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm

5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm

6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm

254 FE 0 ccbgsfo4048-dovah.esl

7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp

8 8 ConcealedArmor.esm

9 9 Scrappable_Commonwealth.esm

10 a ArmorKeywords.esm

254 FE 1 CCKCR.esl

254 FE 2 FAR.esl

11 b HUDFramework.esm

12 c SimSettlements.esm

254 FE 3 Recipes76.esl

13 d fog.esp

14 e WET.esp

15 f Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp

16 10 Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp

17 11 Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp

18 12 Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp

19 13 Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Quest.esp

20 14 Consistent Power Armor Overhaul.esp

21 15 Eli_Accessories.esp

22 16 CBBE.esp

23 17 ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp

24 18 No Borders.esp

25 19 UltraInteriorLighting.esp

26 1a Snappy_HouseK.esp

27 1b Snappy_Scrap.esp

28 1c Immersive HUD.esp

29 1d ReGrowth Overhaul 10.esp

30 1e PlayerComments.esp

31 1f Armorsmith Extended.esp

32 20 Unique NPCs.esp

33 21 Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul.esp

34 22 PAMAP.esp

35 23 Eli_Apocalypse Attire.esp

36 24 Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters.esp

37 25 clothingoverhaul.esp

38 26 ConcealedArmor.esp

39 27 GunnersOverhaul.esp


40 28 Remove Interior Fog - All Dlc.esp

41 29 SOTS.esp

42 2a MODaquatic.esp

43 2b MojaveImports.esp

44 2c DoYourDamnJobCodsworth.esp

45 2d SuperMutantRedux.esp

46 2e ClothingOverhaulSP_XB1_PC.esp

47 2f UrbanFoodExpanded.esp


48 30 DeadlierDeathclaws.esp

49 31 FogOut - Interiors - All DLC.esp

50 32 Wasteland Illumination.esp

51 33 Wasteland Illumination DLC.esp

52 34 Raider Children.esp

53 35 CombatZoneRestored.esp

54 36 Better Landscape Grass.esp

55 37 America Rising - A Tale of the Enclave.esp

56 38 VerticalSpawns.esp


57 39 ImmersiveGenericDialogues.esp

58 3a UltraInteriorLighting_DarkerAmbience.esp

59 3b WZWildWasteland.esp

60 3c Goodfellow's Diamond City Defences.esp

61 3d W.A.T.Minutemen.esp

62 3e MODGirlyAnimation.esp

63 3f IcebreakerCDO-Piper.esp

64 40 SuperMutantRedux_Insanity.esp

65 41 RadiantBirdsv05.esp

66 42 Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp

67 43 P90.esp

68 44 P90NPC.esp

69 45 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp

Vivid Waters.esp

70 46 Hard Legendary Giant Creatures.esp

71 47 AFT_Hotkey_Recipes.esp

72 48 strongheight.esp

73 49 CompRedo.esp

74 4a AFT_Allow_Piper_Face_Presets.esp

75 4b SuperMutantRedux VIS Patch.esp

76 4c Campsite.esp

77 4d Commonwealth Camo.esp

78 4e LR_Motorcycle.esp

79 4f LR_LoneWandererFarHarbour.esp


80 50 3dscopes-replacer.esp

81 51 LR_LoneWandererNukaWorld.esp

82 52 deathclaw valley.esp

83 53 DOOMMerged.esp

84 54 MREs.esp

85 55 Respawnable Legendary Bosses.esp

86 56 Rangergearnew.esp

87 57 01SAA_Colt.esp

88 58 Hunting Revolver_SA.esp

89 59 mjp_PTRS41ATR.esp

90 5a Crossbow.esp

91 5b 3dscopes-replacer-crossbow.esp


92 5c 512StandaloneHairColors.esp

93 5d 9x39Project.esp

94 5e AES_Renovated Furniture.esp

95 5f SCAR-L.esp

96 60 WinchesterP94.esp

97 61 AK47.esp

98 62 Ambient Wasteland.esp

99 63 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp

100 64 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp

101 65 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - No Crafting Perks.esp

102 66 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Power Armor Carry Capacity.esp

103 67 aSexMod.esp

104 68 M1Garand.esp

105 69 FO4 NPCs Travel.esp

106 6a MGSV - XOF_Quiet.esp

107 6b SkibsWeapons-REDUX.esp


109 6d AUG-A1.esp

110 6e AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp

111 6f BetterNightVision.esp

112 70 BowAndArrow.esp

113 71 Child Posters.esp

114 72 Clean Water - Clear - Rads.esp

115 73 Conduits and Pylons Various Wireless Power.esp

116 74 CPAO - PAMAP 2.0 Patch.esp

117 75 D.E.C.A.Y.esp

118 76 Radiant Clouds and Fogs.esp

119 77 DarkerNights.esp

120 78 DarkerNights-Radiant.esp

121 79 DarkerNightsDetection.esp

122 7a dD-Action Ragdoll Force.esp

123 7b dD-Enhanced Blood.esp

124 7c DeadlyRadstorms_Climate_25.esp

125 7d DeadlyRadstorms_Damage_50.esp

126 7e Dickys Pinup Outfit.esp

127 7f Docile Radstags.esp

128 80 Dogmeat's Backpack.esp

129 81 DV-Deadly Vertibirds.esp

130 82 DV-No Levelled Vertibirds.esp

131 83 DX Adventurer Outfit.esp

132 84 DX Commonwealth Shorts.esp

133 85 DX Vault Girl Shorts.esp

134 86 DYNAVISION.esp

135 87 EasyHacking.esp

136 88 El Cazador Armor.esp

137 89 el_precursorsuit.esp

138 8a EnclaveX02.esp

139 8b MegaExplosions_x2_VisualsOnly.esp

140 8c EPO Redux.esp

141 8d Extended weapon mods.esp

142 8e Falcon3.esp

143 8f FemMutieBETA.esp

144 90 FO4 Seasons - Summer - AllDLC.esp

145 91 FogOut - Exterior - All DLC - Darker Nights - Level 2 - Dark Sky - No24-7.esp

146 92 Give Me That Bottle.esp

147 93 Glorious_Glowing_Plasma_Weapons_by_Diranar.esp

148 94 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp

149 95 GojiraStandard.esp

150 96 Sandbag Fortifications - Version 2C.esp

151 97 SimSettlements_MegaPack_YearOne.esp

152 98 Hellfirenew.esp

153 99 PlayerComments_ImmersiveGenericDialogues_Patch.esp

154 9a IcebreakerCDO-Settlements.esp

155 9b ImmersivePipboyRadio.esp

156 9c ImmersiveScrapping_SeasonPass.esp

157 9d ImmersiveVendors.esp

158 9e Insignificant Object Remover.esp

159 9f KSHairdos.esp

160 a0 LagrieHelmet.esp

161 a1 LegendaryModification.esp

162 a2 LegendaryModification2LM.esp

163 a3 LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp

164 a4 LegendaryModificationMisc.esp

165 a5 Live Dismemberment - Brutal.esp

166 a6 Live Dismemberment - Insane-o.esp

167 a7 Live Dismemberment - Liebermode.esp

168 a8 Live Dismemberment - Mental.esp

169 a9 Live Dismemberment - Mind-Blowing.esp

170 aa Live Dismemberment - POSTAL.esp

171 ab Live Dismemberment - Regular.esp

172 ac Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp

173 ad LooksMenu.esp

174 ae M1014.esp

175 af M1014- AWKCR Compatibility.esp

176 b0 M2216.esp

177 b1 M9.esp

178 b2 MGSOutfit.esp

179 b3 MGSV_EVAJumpsuit.esp

180 b4 MGSV_TheBoss.esp

181 b5 MK_CanteensofCommonwealth.esp

182 b6 MMDestiny_AnarchistsCookbookVol1.esp

183 b7 MMDestiny_AnarchistsCookbookVol2.esp

184 b8 MMDestiny_AnarchistsCookbookVol2_AKWCRpatch.esp

185 b9 More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp

186 ba mysteriousmagnum.esp

187 bb NewFace_Settlers.esp

188 bc PipBoyShadows.esp

189 bd xy - Misty Outfit.esp

190 be ZellaHairDyeV2.esp

191 bf zWGirlClothSimply.esp

192 c0 PlayerComments_IceBreakerCDO-Piper_Patch.esp

193 c1 PlayerComments_IcebreakerCDO-Settlements_MainVersion_Patch.esp

194 c2 RadioReverbFix.esp

195 c3 RangerSequoia.esp

196 c4 Realistic Movement Speed.esp

197 c5 RemoteExplosives.esp

198 c6 Rusty Face Fix.esp

199 c7 SalvageBeacons.esp

200 c8 Scavver's Toolbox.esp

201 c9 ScrapDeadThings.esp

202 ca SkjAlert_All_DLC.esp

203 cb SleeplessNights.esp

204 cc slevins_chemVFX.esp

205 cd LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp

206 ce SOTS_AWKCR_AS_Patch.esp

207 cf SoundOfSilence-BE.esp

208 d0 SoundOfSilence-CFBE.esp

209 d1 Splinterz.esp

210 d2 Stackable Brick Wall Foundations.esp

211 d3 SurvivalOptions.esp

212 d4 SurvivalOptions_GiveMeThatBottlePatch.esp

213 d5 WorthlessMod.esp

214 d6 Swinging Meat Bags.esp

215 d7 The Eyes Of Beauty.esp

216 d8 The Eyes of Beauty Looking Stranger.esp

217 d9 ToughGirlAttire.esp

218 da UltraInteriorLighting_Automatron.esp

219 db Unique NPCs FarHarbor.esp

Unique NPCs_SpecialSettlers_All.esp

220 dc Wasteland Workshop Streetlights.esp

221 dd WastelandFashion.esp

222 de WastelandFashionAccessories.esp

223 df KSHairdosExtra.esp

224 e0 FilledBrahminFeedTroughs.esp

225 e1 python.esp

226 e2 Edit_Hancock.esp

227 e3 CWSS Redux.esp

228 e4 EferasBetterBeds.esp

229 e5 ScrapThatMisc.esp

230 e6 DX Commonwealth Mini Dresses.esp

231 e7 Campsite-AWKCR.esp

232 e8 Friffy_Piper Outfit_Standalone.esp

233 e9 Open Carry Patrol - Provisioner.esp

234 ea PlayerComments_UFO4P_Patch.esp

235 eb TheEyesOfBeauty.esp

254 FE 4 AWKCR - dnCommonArmor dlc legendaries bugfix.esp

236 ec BetterOpenSeason.esp

237 ed SuperMutantRedux_ArmorSmithExtended.esp

238 ee Killable Children.esp

239 ef Orphans.esp

MI - WC - LFSC - RO - LLP.esp

240 f0 MGSV_SniperWolf.esp

241 f1 5 Factions.esp

242 f2 Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp

243 f3 Survivalist.esp

244 f4 More Hair Colors (LMCC) Pack 5.esp

245 f5 Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp

F4 Death Tunnel.esp


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ConcealedArmor.esm is made redundant by ArmorKeywords.ESM (AWKCR - Armor Weapons and Keywords Community Resource)

Recommend Deleting Concealed Armors - as it is a Mod Conflict.

try that first.

also judging by the last 3 images, i am going to assume these are Mod Added NPC's. as such is the first 2 images also Mod Added NPC's or Vanilla ?

Image 2: Looks Like Biped Slot Conflict

and the rest of the images look like Missing or Corrupted Textures/ Mesh Files (Can either Be Body or Clothing/Armor)

so yea try what i mentioned above first, if that makes no difference, i will go into further depth.

My Speculation is, that whatever mod added the NPCs in the last 3 images, is missing mod requirements, or it is a mod conflict.

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I also want to add to Gamewinner's great advice. Make sure that none of your updates reverted your .ini files.

My Documents/My Games/Fallout4 ---> Fallout4.ini


open the file in notepad, notepad++, whatever you use, and do a search for [Archive]


Make sure that your .ini file contains these lines


In the archive section of the .ini file. If it doesn't, copy and paste that into it. Then save the file.


And yes, I do know that there's a newer method, but this is the one that I use, because for me, it works.


[Edit] Optional - While you are in there, checking your ini files, if you want to, you can go ahead and edit to get rid of the highlight effect at the crafting stations, that makes it hard to see what you're working with.

You may have a file called Fallout4Custom.ini

Open it with notepad, notepad++, whatever you use.

add these lines of code to it.



save the file.

Edited by StormWolf01
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