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Invisibility enchantment ability for jewelry and/or clothes/armor


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So far in this game I have yet to find the ability to enchant any jewelry, armor or clothing with the invisibility enchantment. I know that the alchemy ingredients allow for potions for invisibility but even when you have the spell for invisibility there is no enchantment listed for the invisibility. I had understood that when you find a spell for something it would be present within the list of possible enchantments but for the invisibility it is not so. I would like to see a mod that would add the invisibility enchantment to the list of possible enchantments available for use. As stated, so far I have yet to get this invisibility enchantment listed in my enchantment list for any type of use.
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I had understood that when you find a spell for something it would be present within the list of possible enchantments but for the invisibility it is not so.


No, when you disenchant an item with a given enchantment which you don't know you learn the enchantment. In vanilla Skyrim this is the only way to learn enchantments, and there isn't one for invisibility. However, it is possible to make invisibility into an enchantment with the creation kit and some modders have already done so, for example





...and many others.


...they are usually considered god items in that it's pretty overpowered. Personal tastes and all that.

Edited by acidzebra
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I had understood that when you find a spell for something it would be present within the list of possible enchantments but for the invisibility it is not so.


No, when you disenchant an item with a given enchantment which you don't know you learn the enchantment. In vanilla Skyrim this is the only way to learn enchantments, and there isn't one for invisibility. However, it is possible to make invisibility into an enchantment with the creation kit and some modders have already done so, for example





...and many others.


...they are usually considered god items in that it's pretty overpowered. Personal tastes and all that.



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  • 3 years later...

I would add a effect that drains the user's health, but makes you completly invisible. Kind of like the One Ring, minus the creepy effect.

This ... Very much this!!! I'd actually tried to create exactly such an enchantment, but my pathetic skills couldn't get it to work. Essentially a "toggle" for invisibility (or equipping a "Ring of Invisibility") has the same effect as a Potion of Invisibility except it's permanent ... BUT ... it drains your health constantly whilst it's worn/used.


That to me sounds like just the sort of item a Daedric Prince would offer you. Boethia maybe or Nocturnal perhaps? Maybe even Sithis?

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Well, you could also try to make it so actions DO break invisibility, and it takes some time for it to kick in again, and maybe require the light level on you to be less than something. That wouldn't be overpowered, more like the shadowmeld from warcraft 3, and would be useful for traveling and sneak attacks. If you could make things like robbers and bandit tolls ignore the player, it would be even better. Might even check magicka value, and drain some magicka to restablish the invisibility immediately, or do what you suggested to be done to health, but to magicka instead, and turn off the invisibility when you reach 0 magicka, and only start again after you get back to 100% magicka.

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Well, any combination of a "double edged sword" type of feature would work, You could have it drain Stamina as well because crouching while moving is tiring. Realistically though, I would just like to be able to play a true stealth character in Skyrim. Like you can in FO3/NV. The Stealth is a farce in Skyrim, as apparently many/most NPC's not only have x-ray vision, but are clairvoyant and are telepathic as well, so they detect you from several; hundred meters away, through 4 boulders and 3 trees and 2 fences, from behind a hill, and can tell all their friends where you are instantly and silently. Who'd a thunk i?


I've tied giving a toon all Sneak perks, all PickPocket perks and setting both to 5000 using the console and STILL can't play the game as a stealthy assassin..

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While you’re invisible, everything is fine and the cloak is amazing. But as soon as you deactivate the enchantment, take off the cloak, or otherwise stop the invisibility spell, though, you go completely blind.


I asked the enchanter why anyone would waste that much on an invisibility cloak that blinds you, and she just said that it “seems fair that everyone else should get to be invisible too”.



Edited by NorthHare
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