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struggling with nifskope

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hello! I'm attempting to retexture a horse and put it in Skyrim via the CK. I was having trouble getting the skin to go on the horse, so I searched out a tutorial on the net. In that tutorial it told me to use Nifskope, so I downloaded that program and found another tutorial. However, I can't get it to work! I've done everything I'm supposed to, set the texture paths correctly, selected the model, and I can't figure out how to apply my damn texture! HELP!
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Make sure that the texture paths you use are relative, and not absolute. In other words, do NOT use:


D:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Textures\horsetexture.dds


Use instead:




The game knows where to look for textures, so only needs a relative path. If you use absolute paths, your mod will be incompatible with other people's setups.

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This is so weird! If i just double click the icon for my re-textured horse, it appears in a CK window with the proper texture. But when I import the horse to the CK and put it where I want it, it has the default horse texture and there's no listing of my retexture. And when I test in game, it's the same thing. Default horse texture. What am I missing here? HELP!
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Can you explain what you mean by 'import the horse to the CK'? If you are already seeing the re-textured horse in the CK, why do you need to 'import' it? I'm not clear on what you are doing.
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okay, so my understanding was this: To make a completely new horse with a different texture, I need a different model. So I copied the original horse mesh and renamed it, then used Nifskope to apply the texture. Then I drag and drop the mesh into the CK in the horse section. It creates the horse, but the only textures available are the textures I already have (slof's, actually). BUT if I double click on the mesh (not in CK, but just in it's usual folder) a window pops up that shows the horse with the new texture.
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A new mesh is not all that is needed for a new horse. The mesh is just the skeleton -- your horse will have no animations, sounds, AI etc. What you need to do, once you have created your modified skeleton mesh is to create a new horse by editing an existing one and (IMPORTANT) giving it a new ID. Let's say you are using a black horse. Double click on Black Horse in the CS, whose ID is HorseBlack. Now rename HorseBlack to MyNewHorse (or whatever) in the ID box. Give it a new real name, too if you like. Now, underneath the 'Death Item' is a button with the current skeleton, which will be:




Click that box and point to your new, edited skeleton. Let's say you've named it 'Palomino.nif' You should now see:


Creatures\Horse\Palomino.nif (assuming your mesh is in \Creatures\Horse\


You now have a horse that you can drag onto an area in the render window. It's worth saying again that you MUST give it a unique ID.

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actually, I misspoke - there is no button under death item it's just a blank space.


Here's what I do, step by step:


1. drag and drop new mesh into horse section of CK

2. duplicate player horse, give it a new ID

3. straight down from there at the bottom is a drop menu labeled "actorbase" I change that to the name of my new mesh

4. I uncheck the "traits" box below that



this is what I'm looking at


Now, where am I going wrong?

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