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New build:

i7 3770k

z77 Sabertooth mobo

16gb DDR3 1600 ram

Nvidia GTX 670 superclocked 4gb

950w power supply

Antec 900 v3 case

2 SSD's

Seagate 1tb


I plan on getting sli and maybe a sound card eventually. I'm at college unfortunately, but I wanna put my new baby together so bad. My only concern is how hot this would run if I added a second video card. Should I watch cool the cpu? I wouldnt know how to mount that onto my case though, never had to do it before :[


my old desktop


antec 900 case

amd black edition phenom 2 3.4ghz

ATI Raddeon 6870 2gb

Gigabyte mobo

680w PSU (?)

12 gb DDR3 1600 ram

1tb WD


My girlfriend bought the old one off me :P

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mounting the heatsink is pretty straight forward. if you are just using the stock heat sink then its usually just like 4 little push pins or something. though with a 3770k i cant imagine you would be using a stock heatsink because the only reason you would be getting a 3770k is if you plan on OCing it and using some thread heavy functions. in which case, whatever heatsink you buy, you have to mount the back plate first then screw the heatsink into the back plate. its pretty straight forward. just make sure you apply the Thermal Paste before you mount it. and make sure you apply even pressure to each screw when mounting it down going in a Star Patter much like you would when changing a tire on a car,
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I run SLI, two 550ti (much lesser than your 670) and run nicely. I did have to replace case fans with higher rpm/cfm ones to keep the mobo from taking on the extra heat. If you are going to OC that thing, and add another 670...look toward a quad +12v rail PSU to handle the wattage...my single rail won't handle OCing mobo and SLI cards.
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The intel boxed cooler is not enough if you are going to OC. And if you arent going to oc, you just wasted ~200€ on useless mobo and unlocked cpu.


Imho you went a little overboard on the mobo, psu, memory and cpu. Memory/cpu are okay if you do video-editing/etc. But the psu is plain overkill :P


And I hope that the gtx670 is not EVGA reference cooler... Its meant for aftermarket/watercooler users, as you wont lose warranty when replacing the cooler.

BTW, hd7950 with 12.11 drivers kicks gtx670 butt when you oc it a little.

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the psu was overkill since I considered SLI in the future. And yeah I went a little overkill. I'm not too experienced in overclocking the CPU either. Things I intend to look into before I set it up. So if you guys have some good simple-stupid links I could use I'd be interested into looking into it more. My issue is not knowing where to really start other than blindly googling, and it'd be a *censored* to screw up my new system all because I was ignorantly googling something I had no clue of. I bought this specific video card in case anyone was wondering. Got it cheaper than it shows now, and still got the $20 rebate :3



I look at overkill as future proofing the system. It'll be a timely investment :3 as far as the mobo, I bought that to handle the heat better more than anything else.



my exact stuff:


Mobo: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007RIFKUS/ref=oh_details_o06_s00_i02

RAM: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006EWUO22/ref=oh_details_o04_s00_i00

CPU: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007SZ0EOW/ref=oh_details_o06_s00_i01

Thermal Paste: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0042IEVD8/ref=oh_details_o05_s00_i00

GPU: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007Z3HZLM/ref=oh_details_o06_s00_i03

PSU: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003U29C40/ref=oh_details_o06_s00_i04

HDD: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0057BON8W/ref=oh_details_o06_s00_i00


and I got two SSD's. one for OS, one for gaming. The HDD above is for storage.


All in all, I went overboard. :P But I sold my old pc for $600. So I had some play money, figured I'd try to go quality stuff all around this time. Not that my old stuff was really bad, but the laptop I'm on now at college boots quicker and plays games about the same, so it made me question why the hell I had a desktop.


I want skyrim to vomit colors & textures into my eyes at amazing speeds once I get this new rig built.

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Macho HR-02

That cooler is enough to draw all the overclocks out of ivy bridge CPU (~4,5ghz), when you dont replace the crappy thermalpaste inside the CPU (and not many have enough courage to slit open a 300€ CPU to get few hundred mhz higher clocks).


That "heat armor" or w/e its called on the sabertooth is only for the looks. The plastic cover only makes it worse for the air to circulate around the mobo. Z77 UD3H and Extreme4 are the best "bang for buck" mobos around atm, both are very good OC boards. Using extreme4 on 2 rigs atm, both 3570k@4,4-4,5ghz.

8gb RAM is a tiny bit of overkill for gaming. 16gb is overkill, and 32gb is just plain silly.

3570k vs 3770k dont show any difference in gaming power. Basically 3770k is 3570k with hyperthreading, and the only game that "supports" HT is BF3 as far as I know. HT is very useful in multi-threaded applications (video-editing and the like).


Overclocking guide

OC guide for ASUS boards

In a nutshell:

1. Increase CPU ratio till your system crashes

2. Increase voltage untill you wont crash

3. Repeat 1. and 2. untill you hit the temperature limits (80-90C on prime95 stress-test).


EDIT: Sites like OCN (where the guides are from) are great for finding out what parts are good for you.

Edited by kalikka
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I would say the build looks good. Like the others have stated it would be sort of wasted for you to not overclock. But I always tell people: with computer parts, if you have the money buy the best because otherwise you may decide you want to do something later and be restricted by the cheap parts you bought.


I would say the 670 is a great choice. I wouldn't worry too much about the cooler on it. The 32nm architecture means that it will run fairly cool on idle and under load should be fine. SLI will be great, if you plan on overclocking the two GPU's however (which they can OC great) then you might want to look into non reference cooler cards, or liquid cooling.


My folding rig has two gtx 680's overclocked though with my own fan curve. So it's kind of loud but if noise doesn't bother you too much you will be fine for thermals even with two overclocked cards.

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