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[WIP] The Inheritance

Guest deleted2159825

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Guest deleted2159825



Thanks for the comments and support!


I've just wrapped up the third beta build, so if you're interested in testing, please PM me!

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Guest deleted2159825



The main quest is now fully-voiced and lip-synced. I am still looking for voice actors to fill some of the peripheral roles in sidequests. If you're interested, please PM me. The list of open roles is on this thread's front page. This mod is nearly finished, but I will not release it until every speaking role is voiced.


I'm also on the hunt for beta testers. Please contact me if you'd like to give it a go.


Some stats:

- The finished mod will have over 1,300 lines of dialogue. That's NVBII territory.

- There are six extant quests

- One new skill book

- More notes than I care to count

- A lot of gold

- Six new weapons, all re-textured


That's just a cursory overview. If you're a voice actor, please PM me if you'd like to expedite the release of this mod. Thanks!

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I'm going to give part of it a go tonight if possible.


How do you think the voicing turned out now that it's in game?




The main quest is now fully-voiced and lip-synced. I am still looking for voice actors to fill some of the peripheral roles in sidequests. If you're interested, please PM me. The list of open roles is on this thread's front page. This mod is nearly finished, but I will not release it until every speaking role is voiced.


I'm also on the hunt for beta testers. Please contact me if you'd like to give it a go.


Some stats:

- The finished mod will have over 1,300 lines of dialogue. That's NVBII territory.

- There are six extant quests

- One new skill book

- More notes than I care to count

- A lot of gold

- Six new weapons, all re-textured


That's just a cursory overview. If you're a voice actor, please PM me if you'd like to expedite the release of this mod. Thanks!

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Guest deleted2159825



It's fantastic so far - I didn't expect anything less.


For anyone perusing this thread, Reebdog is the voice of Bradley, the main character (also heard in the voice-over for the trailer).

Edited by someguy2000
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I just get nervous as the author always has something in mind...and to not live up to it? Well that would suck.




It's fantastic so far - I didn't expect anything less.


For anyone perusing this thread, Reebdog is the voice of Bradley, the main character (also heard in the voice-over for the trailer).

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Guest deleted2159825

No idea why but I still crash every time with this turned on. I'm going to try a few things.


Are you able to run other mods? There are some battle sequences that could strain the system, but nothing should keep it from starting up. The latest build is cleaned and makes wide use of post-quest cleanup to prevent savegame bloat and laggy performance. I'm at a loss.

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Guest deleted2159825



I'm happy to report that the mod is inching closer and closer to a finished state. I'm still looking to fill a handful of small voice acting roles, so please PM me if you're interested.


I'm also looking for testers, so PM me if you'd like to play the latest build. Thanks!

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No idea why but I still crash every time with this turned on. I'm going to try a few things.


This might sound funny, but there are times when the most obvious is overlooked... You ticked on the esm as well as the esp, right?


I'll have recordings to you soon, chief, just waiting for some quiet time when the kids are at school so they won't be repeating what I say. :)

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Lol, a few 'choice words' in your script then?



Eagerly anticipating the release of this man, been following its progress nearly from day 1.

I'd love to help you out with voices and whatnot, I won't be able to unfortunately... For 2 main reasons tbh, apart from the usual 'I barely know how to work my microphone' excuse:

1)I'm English, and not all that good at faking accents... So I don't know how well my regional English accent (or my badly attempted; and possibly a bit racist, south American accent) would fit in a Enclave based story.

2) I'm fairly sure people already think I'm a bit loopy, sitting in my bedroom talking to myself wouldn't help that :P


Also if I'm going to be honest here... In a completely selfish way I want to play this mod without spoilers, it looks so good. And I'm on a bit of a Enclave trip atm, loving just about anything to do with them; esp if its like what I'm interpreting so far for this mod.


I'd be happy to offer my services in any future projects, but I'm sure you'll do fine without me this time round.

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