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Need a bit of Help - Anufis Underwear

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After looking for a few hours for the seemingly now unavailable Undies Underneath on nexusmods I encountered the mod Anufis Underwear and thought, maybe this could also be used for Male NPC's.

I took a look at the esp and see what can be done but don't understand one bit of it. I just want some comprehensible help to be able to edit and add atleast one basic wearable underwear for male models or confirmation if I should even be allowed to do this since I read something about the permissions on the nexus page.


Alternatively, I'm also looking for other mods that allow underwear to be equipped simultaneously with armor/clothes while also having NPC's equipped with an assortment of underwear on death and auto-equipping them should you add any undies back to their inventory... Or atleast any of the three features.


Link to Anufis Underwear: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/27837

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Which of them is "that effect? I mentioned a bunch. Also is there anything else I'm supposed to add along Unequip Broken Armor to have NPCs wear or have underwear? It just comes with the script to remove armor.


Thanks for the link by the way, combined with Anufis it allows to "equip" 3 layers or equipment Armor>Cloth>Underwear, cool.


However, I still didn't get closer to what I want, which is add wearable undies for Males just like the ones in Anufis, either by editing the esp or through any other mod.

Edited by LostData751
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The "that effect" I was thinking of is that when you remove an NPC's armor the clothes/underwear are automatically equipped. It would mean adding the underwear to the leveled lists I suppose. I'd never even heard of this Anufis before you linked to it ... guess I should download it and poke around in it a bit to see how it works.


If you create a male and female version of something you can just add the base item to the leveled list and the game will use the appropriate male or female version depending on who is equipping it (like it does with pants that display as trousers on males and a skirt on females for example).


- Edit - After looking at the mod comments (specifically the one by Popcorn71, the author of Undies Underneath) I think I'll give the Anufis mod a pass ... I have no problem with everybody going commando under their pants and shirts, and with Unequip Broken Armor NPCs always switch to any clothing they have when their armor breaks.

Edited by Striker879
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After some working around, I added meshes, and the files with the construction set to try this out. However I am mostly at a stop looking at the script in Anufis' Underwear called "AnufisGiveThemUnder" I would like to know if there's a way to make the script that adds the items to inventories and equips them to work with Males aswell as Females, I initially thought of adding a duplicate script that works on Males or if it's possible or better to add this functionality to the main script. If anybody could guide me on the slight It would be nice, should I put the script as is here in the forums?

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You could do that. I can't say I'll be of any help with the script though, as most of the more advanced stuff regarding scripts is way above my pay grade.

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I'd copy/paste it into a post here from the Edit Scripts box in the CS. If you want to get fancy paste it into a "code box" (sort of like spoilers box but it conserves any formatting etc).


In case you're unsure how to do that just paste in between an opening ["code"] and a closing ["/code"] (without the quote marks I needed to insert so that it would display in this post).

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scn AnufisGiveThemUnder

float fQuestDelayTime

ref NPC

;AnufisIGotUnder-ïðåäìåò-íåâèäèìêà, ìàðêåð ñîñòîÿíèÿ "ïðåäìåò óæå èìååòñÿ ó ïåðñîíàæà"

;AnufisUUW-ïåðâûé ïðåäìåò(LVLI)

;AnufisLUW-âòîðîé ïðåäìåò(LVLI)

;AnufisIHaveUnder-ïðåäìåò-íåâèäèìêà, ìàðêå ñîñòîÿíèÿ "ïðåäìåò îäåò"

begin GameMode

   if fQuestDelayTime==0

     set fQuestDelayTime to 1


   let NPC:=GetFirstRef 35 2

   while NPC

            if NPC.isFemale==0

              let NPC:=GetNextRef



            if NPC.GetDisabled

              let NPC:=GetNextRef



            if NPC.GetDead

              let NPC:=GetNextRef



            if NPC.GetIsRace DarkSeducer || NPC.GetIsRace GoldenSaint || NPC.GetIsRace Dremora

              let NPC:=GetNextRef



            if NPC.GetItemCount AnufisIGotUnder != 0 || NPC.GetItemCount AnufisIHaveUnder != 0

              let NPC:=GetNextRef



            NPC.AddItemNS AnufisIGotUnder 1

            NPC.AddItemNS AnufisUUW 1

            NPC.AddItemNS AnufisLUW 1

            let NPC:=GetNextRef


   let NPC:=0


Alright, I don't understand anything at lines 6, 7, 8 or 9. Don't know how important they are.

Looking at this I believe a simple way to add the Male condition to this to put the IsFemale at the bottom and add a IsMale just after, however I do not understand anything about the GetNextRef.

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Striker, I hope you don't mind, if I add some answers here. But when it's about scripting I just can't resist.

If you mean those 4 lines starting with a ";", these are just comments/remarks and, while perhaps nice to know, not relevant to the functioning of the code.

This is just a simple loop it looks like. Starting with the 1st NPC inside the cell (GetFirstRef xyz) and then iterating through all others (GetNextRef), either "before" executing the code (if male, disabled, a Dark Seducer, Golden Saint, Dremora, already having the item AnufisIGotUnder or the item AnufisIHaveUnder, whatever they are) or afterwards when all checks passed.

So in order to make this work also on males, it should suffice to simply remove the block that skips when it's not female:

            if NPC.isFemale==0
              let NPC:=GetNextRef

Without this block the loop will not skip male NPCs anymore like it does now.

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