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Sex for the Player Character...


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Personally, this game is so pollicly correct that it's sickening, its a freakin' wasteland out there! for crying out loud! post-apocalyptia shouldn't be handled with political correctness because polotics don't EXIST anymore!

(Enclave and GNR don't count as polotics)


This game needs a major "down'n'dirty" overhaul! sex and prostitutes are just the start!

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...mud wrestiling...betting on animal fights (even Deus Ex 2 had that one)...red light districts...


This game really needs just about everything strange and taboo, well a lot of it anyways. Think about it, most real filth is almost nonexistant in civilized countries because the authorities fight it; in the wastes these authorities don't exist! I won't even begin to describe the things I think would be rampant in a real post-apocalyptic wasteland.

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There are kids playing this game??


Big deal...


Games are held to completely different standards than movies and it is really absurd. I am sure there is a strong legal case for a complete re-evaluation of video game rating standards if even one game company had the balls to challenge the unfair system's double standards.


Teen movies (pg 13+) are often seen to make sex and sexuality a major focus/theme, often showing partial or brief nudity and/or sexual situations. R (Restricted) rated movies often market themselves to teen audiences with their nudity and sexuality (see porkies 1 & 2, american pie 1 & 2, spring break, etc. etc..) These movies are clearly marketed to young people for their "wow tities" appeal. Come on, the nudity and sex in these movies have no real appeal to an adult who can go pick up some real xxx porn if they want and to whom a brief glimpse of the naked human body no longer holds any great novelty.


We even have sex scenes on network television.


Fallout 3 is the equivalent of an R rated movie, not an Adults Only (X Rated) movie. For a movie to jump from R rated to Adult it has to show actual penetration. There are even a few R rated movies that show penetration (very briefly). If you look at some of the harder 'soft' porn available in the form of R rated movies some of them get extremely explicit and only stop just a tad short of full penetration (see some of the flicks they play on Cinemax late at night in the US). In a movie, this gets the equivalent of a 'Mature' rating, while the same content in a game would get rated 'Adult'.


So they can use sex to sell shampoo, jeans, and toothpaste on network television, but in a video game it is absolutely taboo. I can not believe how hypocritical people are. I am also shocked that many gamers have been swayed more and more to the side of this hypocrisy. More and more we see gamers saying "I can understand why..", "kids play it too..", "it makes sense when you think about blah blah..."


No it doesn't make sense, it doesn't matter that kids play it too.. The game is rated 'Mature' and their parents let them play the mature game and they probably let them watch some R rated movies that have sex/nudity in them too. Who didn't watch The Road Warrior when they were a kid? Or Excalibur? My parents let me watch these movies, they were great movies. R rated yes, but not porn. The 1 or 2 kids in my whole town who's parents wouldn't let them watch The Road Warrior were a pitiable minority, yet The Road Warrior not only had sex, and nudity, it also had graphic, brutal rape in it.. If that scene were in a game the game would be flat out banned by the very same shops that carry copies of The Road Warrior.


So don't get all soft in the head and slowly come to accept the status quo.. Really, if you look back just 10 years, brief sex scenes, and other highly suggestive content including brief nudity were not at all so uncommon in games in the very recent past. The fanatical Christian right wing (don't get me wrong, I've nothing against Christians - as long as they aren't fanatical proponents of thought control and censorship) who would love to censor EVERYTHING from paintings and books to music and movies has succeeded in video games where they have failed in every other form of media. Note that we even have mainstream comics with more suggestive content. Also music videos, cartoons, you name it. Only video games are held to such bogus standards and it is totally absurd.


Video games ARE an art form, in some regards more so than any other media (they feature multiple 2d mediums on a par with any painting or drawing in the form of textures, sculpture in the form of 3d models, music, writing, composition and presentation on par with movies, sound design, poetry, as well acting, dance, thought provoking themes, not to mention the the code written by programmers, etc. etc..), and as an art form it is very wrong to be censoring video games. Rating them, fine, but only on the same sort of reasonable scale that all other art forms are held to. Only when these taboos about video game content are lifted will we see video games finally grow up as a really powerful and profound form of art. There is so much potential in video games as an art form but much of it will never be realized as long as we continue handling them with kid's gloves and holding them to ridiculously hypocritical standards.


Comics used to be mostly for kids too, but nowadays I know of some comics which are deep, moving, beautiful works of art poetically exploring philosophy, morality, mythology, history, politics, and the human condition on a profound level (see The Puma Blues). When we drop the absurd double standards then video games may begin to reach their true potential as well.


Please forward this to your congressmen, parent groups, arts foundations, game companies, movie critics, friends, etc.. because currently what the double standards of game ratings imply (and force upon game developers) is that it is fine to expose kids to mindless violence but not okay to expose them to real art.

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