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Slimmer more compact Pip Boy


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The mod requests are just piling up :)


Yet another thing i'd like to see is a redesign of the pip boy in the gameworld making it slimmer and more compact, I may sound like a prat but it looks a little on the chunky side, and it looks a little cumbersome to me, something a little more stramlined would be really nice :)

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  • 5 months later...
Upgrade the pip-boy at the workbench ? Good Idea, but I think the players should leave this to Moira Brown, or if multiple upgrades are avilable should go to Pinkerton or the commonwealth guy, Zimmer, or get the final upgrade from Dad, as a last gift or something... Good idea but hard to do ( i cant sorry )
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Or, maybe, you could remove the pip-boy via a mod, and someone makes a pip-boy mod that you have to make using the original pip-boy, and when you make it, you equip the new pip-boy and BAM.


Hrm... And maybe you can only make it at a special workbench, with a terminal at the top, considering that you need to see the schematics.





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