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Were there artists - sculptors, etc? - in prev tes games?


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There's a painter in castle Chorrol. There was also a composer who was working on a piece for Uriel Septim before he died. Can't honestly think of any others in Oblivion, and I haven't seen one in Morrowind yet, but I haven't really explored all the nooks and crannies of it yet.
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To extend the definition of "artists" a little further, there was also a theatre troop in Tribunal. That was one of my favourite TES quests of all time, actually - you had like, two minutes to memorize all your lines in a scene from a play (Tragedy in Black? I can't quite recall...) and then had to go up on stage and perform. Near the end, some pissed off Dunmer got offended by the play and ran up on stage trying to kill you. It was awesome.


However, I agree, there's a noticeable lack of artists in Tamriel - particularly in Skyrim. I mean, Nords aren't exactly the most artistic race out there, but you'd expect that they'd still have some stonemasons and carpenters. Isn't there a book somewhere that mentions how Nord houses are supposed to be completely covered in wood carvings?

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That was it! Thank you. :thumbsup:


All the good plays in TES are about Dunmer - probably because they were all written for TES III. It's so hard to keep them straight.


EDIT: Err, except for The Lusty Argonian Maid. How could I forget that one?

Edited by JanusForbeare
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It was just a random thought I had a bit ago. With the mod I'v ebeen working on, I want more clutter, right? more things to steal..then my mind wandered to the morrowind vaults in the great houses etc, and from there to..."omg what if there were sculptors or whatever in skyrim? i could steal all their artwork!" /bonk

my mind if slightly weird sometimes...

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Well, are we going to count bards as artists? :P Plenty of those in Skyrim.



Seriously, though, isn't one mark of an advanced culture that there is enough free time for a segment of the population to devote themselves to art and philosophy? Seems like we've taken a step back when we came to Skyrim. The only Nord art I've seen are the awesome murals in the dragon claw tombs.

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You'd think at least a fragment of that talent was passed down...

also, where do all the cups and plates come from? Do they just appear out of thin air? kind of being picky here, but theres' so much room for immersion here,with even the slightest change.

I remember hearing in bruma about the supposed wood carving houses, but at least oblivion had some kind of mention of art. Seems like skyrim is just....fight & sing. God knows there are enough unemployed pcs that it'd make sense for them to have started developing hobbies of some sort...

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