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[WiP] Serpent Sword


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This is the sword I'm working on :











This will be uploaded as a modder resource and also used in the Back Ash City Mod


at the moment I must work on the hilt and polish a little bit the texture.



I would like to see your opinions



Thank You !






Alex Stoian

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looks pretty good, i would definately tone down the color though, its looks like ur wielding a neon light on a sword hilt.



Las Vegas , baby ! Lol...indeed ..the current nif had the glow map ....hmm... very green :biggrin:


thanks for replying :)



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I like it but it looks more like a claymore to me. It should be a two handed weapon. The handle does need some work so that the fingers are around it and not through it. I haven't managed to do anything with blender yet so I am not complaining. I think you've done a great job and as far as the color, well it just looks like a glass weapon to me and the glass longsword is my favorite.
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I like it but it looks more like a claymore to me. It should be a two handed weapon. The handle does need some work so that the fingers are around it and not through it. I haven't managed to do anything with blender yet so I am not complaining. I think you've done a great job and as far as the color, well it just looks like a glass weapon to me and the glass longsword is my favorite.




Thanks for replying... The texture actually looks like the reptile skin (see Jade Reptile texture in Genetica Viewer ) and I;ll mess a little more with the UV map. And the hilt :biggrin:

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So you don't like big swords I take it?



big is fine up to a certain point, then it becomes unwieldable!



On topic: besides the handle problem I also think that even the blade doesn't connect well with the handguard. Maybe it's the colours, maybe it's the shape, but it's probably the combination of both.

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