samv96UK Posted October 26, 2012 Share Posted October 26, 2012 The Deepwood Isles The Project The Deepwood Isles is the name of the idea I have for my next mod after Rochebere is done. I say idea as I haven't started on the creation side of it at all yet, and I'm going to wait and see what kind of feedback I get once Rochebere is released (I hope it's good after all the hours I've put into it!) before I begin. So basically, I aim for the Deepwood Isles to be a lore-friendly new lands mod, based on (You guessed it), The Deepwood Isles. I'm CONSIDERING doing this as a team project this time to make it different from Rochebere, and to also keep me motivated, but I'm not entirely sure yet. I'm hoping to make the Deepwood Isles about 1/4 to a 1/3 the size of the Skyrim worldspace. I've planned out some ideas for a questline, but I don't want to reveal too much about it, except tell you the general direction of the plot. If people are willing to help me out, and if this becomes a team project once it is started, then I would like to include new clothes, armours and static meshes. Location The Deepwood Isles are located to the West of Valenwood and Cyrodiil, but to the North of the Summerset Isles. The Deepwood Isles are fairly small in lore compared to the Provinces of Tamriel, but they will be fairly large in-game (Like I said, hopefully at least 1/4 of Skyrim) so that the player has more to explore and discover. where the Deepwood Isles are located. The Deepwood Isles are made up of three separate Islands: EppingAlgarveChallis size and shape of the Isles. Epping Epping, also referred to by the people of the Isles as the motherland , is the largest and most central of the three Islands, thus making it the most sprawling and populated. Much of the island is covered by trade routes, roads, ports and settlements. Due to this, Epping is far more tamed and civilised than Algarve and Challis. However, some citizens dislike the growth of civilisation, and would rather Epping remained untouched. The most common race in Epping are the Imperials, but if one looks deep enough, Epping attracts almost every race of Tamriel. The capital of the Deepwood Isles, Karthard, is located at it's centre, along with Deepwood palace, the King's residence. Deepwood palace is also where the council resides. The council is made up of 2 representatives from each island in the isles, to assist the current ruler and to give their opinion on political matters. Karthard is among the oldest and largest settlements in the Deepwood isles, and is possibly to only one considered to be an actual 'city'. Algarve Algarve is the most Westerly of the three Isles. It is covered with dense pine forests, damp rainy weather and small un-established settlements. It's conditions make it a place where only the brave or foolish dare to stray away from the safety of the towns. The dreadful weather attracts many of Deepwoods less desirable creatures, such as wild wolves, spiders and trolls. The inhabitants of Algarve are commonly brave warriors and lovers of mead, hailing from Nordic or Orcish background. Algarve is also home to Misthall arena, a place where challengers can test their strength and skills against the beasts within. It is the birthplace of the Orgug plague, which killed over 4000 people in Deepwood from 3E 267 to 3E 302. Challis Challis is the smallest and most beautiful Island in Deepwood. Sprawling trees coat almost every corner of the island, allowing vibrant and diverse plant life below the thick canopies. Because of its similarities to the Bosmer province of Valenwood, many of the people of Challis are Wood elves. They are warm, welcoming and generous people, who take care of their natural habitat, leaving the beauty and wildlife untouched. Thanks to the lush undergrowth, it is also and ideal place for alchemists to settle. Cosy log cabins and tree houses are dotted in and around the forests, far away from the city bustle of Epping. The only fully established settlement in Challis is Haartford, a port town where men from Epping can easily access the island. All other settlements are nothing more than small towns and villages. Challis was where the Damartii war took place from 3E 248 to 2E 253, when Clagius Lioriaon defeated the rebels, and was crowned first King of Deepwood. Lore 2E 754- Bosmer expeditions from Valenwood lead the Wood Elves to discover the Deepwood Isles, and settle on the island of Challis. 2E 798- First explorers from Cyrodiil arrive at the central island of Epping, at the point now known as golden point bay and claim the island as their own. 3E 102- Now that the dreadful Interregnum years are over, many citizens from Cyrodiil are financially able to travel to the Deepwood Isles. Epping begins the path the civilisation. 3E 159- The people of Epping discuss construction of a central city for the island. 3E 163- Construction of the city of Karthard begins. 3E 224- Construction of Karthard is completed. 3E 248- A powerful pirate organisation known as the Damartii launch an attack on Challis, hoping to claim it for their own. Clagius Lioriaon, an old Imperial soldier rallies the citizens of Epping to help defend Challis. A bloody conflict known as the Damartii war begins. 3E 253- The Damartii war ends after Clagius Lioriaon defeats the rebel leader of the organisation. Clagius is crowned king of the Deepwood isles by the people of Challis and Epping. The Elves of Epping agree to abide by any laws made by the king, provided they are allowed to maintain their natural ways of life. 3E 254- Deepwood palace is constructed in Karthard and becomes the residence of the king and his descendants. This marks the start of the Clagius reign. 3E 267- Explorers from Epping head further West to explore the mysteries of Algarve, but return with a disease known as the Orgug plague. 3E 271- King Clagius dies from the plague, and his only daughter, Ariana becomes Queen, thus marking the end of the Clagius reign and the start of the Ariana reign. 3E 302- The Orgug plague is finally cured by Solena Jucanis, with over 4000 civilians dead from the disease. 3E 313- Explorers return to Algarve and establish a small trading settlement called Arwin Port on the North coast. 3E 338- Queen Ariana dies and leaves the throne to her son Anthas. This marks the end of the Ariana reign and the start of the Anthas reign. 3E 377- The Elves of Challis establish Haartford, a port on the West coast for ease of access by the sailors of Epping. 3E 389- King Anthas becomes too old to rule and his son Theiran takes the throne. The Theiran reign begins and the Anthas reign ends. 3E 391- Former King, Anthas Lioriaon dies a peaceful death. 3E 425- Algarve is now growing in population due to the profound number of Nords and Orcs arriving there. 3E 433- The Oblivion Crisis begins. King Theiran forms a group of talented protectors for Deepwood called the Malsavars'. 4E 01- The Oblivion Crisis ends with very few casualties in the Deepwood isles. 4E 11- King Theiran is assassinated by a member of one of the noble families in Karthard, the Syrans', close friends to the royal family. King Theiran's daughter, Gladra, is too young to take the throne, so it is decided that a court will be formed, using 2 representatives from each of the 3 isles, to rule Deepwood for 3 years. This marks the end of the Theiran reign and the start of the Court years. 4E 14- Gladra, the royal heir, takes the throne and becomes Queen. The court remain as loyal advisors, and to give their opinions as representatives from the other areas of the Deepwood isles. This signifies the end of the Court years and the start of the Gladra reign. 4E 17- The Orcs of Algarve form the Misthall arena. 4E 20- Arenar Trupto, a member of the Malsavars' sets the Syran families' house alight to avenge King Theiran, but is arrested shortly after, with only 2 members of the family surviving the fire. The Malsavars' become unwelcomed and untrusted, falling into use as the kings' private force, rather than that of the people. 4E 59- The beginning of what is known as the 'golden century', in which peace prevailed for nearly 100 years. 4E 67- Queen Gladra dies, her daughter Haidyll becomes the next Queen. End of the Gladra reign, start of the Haidyll reign. 4E 105- Queen Haidyll dies, son Borvius becomes King. Start of the Borvius reign, end of the Haidyll reign. 4E 144- Raglsar born, a child with the gift and destiny to see into the future. He was born blind, but instead can see what has passed, and what will come to pass. 4E 155- At the age of 11, Ragslar foresaw the coming of the Thalmor, which proved to be true the year after. 4E 156- The 'Golden century' comes to an abrupt halt when a branch of the Aldmeri Dominion, the Thalmor, arrive in the Deepwood isles. 4E 157- The Aldmeri agents murder King Borvius for allowing the belief of Talos across the isle, ending the Borvius reign. The agents aim their conquest at Algarve, where the Nords are strong followers of Talos. 4E 158- The Nordic and Orcish resistance in Algarve prevails, and the Aldmeri Dominion is forced to flee from the Deepwood isles. 4E 159- Anthas II, son of Borvius is crowned new king of Deepwood, marking the start of the second Anthas reign. 4E 160- Ragslar's family are murdered by bandits, but he manages to escape with his mother and is rescued by guards. He is proven to have special talents when he foresees that his mother will die in exactly 9 days. He is taken in by the King, who values his unique talents. 4E 201- Rumours are thriving that the Aldmeri Dominion are plotting an assault on the Deepwood isles. The citizens of Epping are growing worried. The council is in disarray- more concerned about their own outcomes than the outcome of the isles as a whole. Only the King, with help from Ragslar can confirm the suspicions. A shipwreck washes up a lone survivor, the player, at golden point bay. That is where your story begins. Plot "Shipwrecked, you find yourself washed upon the shores of the Deepwood isles, a place of Beauty, diversity, and life. But underneath this veil of illusion, what is really going on? The people of Epping, the centre of the Deepwood isles, are stricken with fear- rumours have spread that the Aldmeri Dominion are coming... Are the rumours true? It can't just be a coincidence that the Thalmor are on a conquest to cleanse Tamriel of all that they see unfit... It is time to make a stand against the Aldmeri dominion. To re-unite the people of the Deepwood isles council, and defend the lands which they rightly own." Images I've got a couple of images below off google which can help me show you what I imaging different things to look like. I'll probably add some hand-drawn concept art at some point too! Epping I want to try and create a uniqueness in the city of Karthard, Epping, that we haven't seen in Skyrim before. It's something that I aimed for in Rochebere, but never achieved the effect I wanted with it. I love how some of the cities in the 'Fable' series looks (I love the Fable art style in general), and I want to try and capture that ye-olde-englande medieval vibe in Karthard. ^ This is the sort of thing I mean. I doubt that I would be abe to put in as much detail as that, but I think I could achieve a similar look if I retextured some of the Solitude houses, or even better, got new models to use. ^Maybe something like this is a bit more achievable, except with more winding streets and clutter. ^Something like this would be absolutely PERFECT for a blacksmith, or just a general house. As for Deepwood palace, I think I could probably get away with just retexturing the palace of kings model from vanilla Skyrim. On that note, I still want the game to look like Skyrim. I don't want to use so many new models that it looks like something else. I think the most I need are new houses. I don't particularly want any new vegetation, except for Challis (Which I have planned what meshes I am probably going to use already). Now, the Epping countryside. I can't really find a fitting image for what I want to show you, so I'll just have to describe it. I can basically imagine long winding highway paths with streams and rivers running past them, making their way out to sea. The main types of plants in this area will be dead shrubs, thickets, and scattered aspen trees. I'm going to try and give off the effect that Epping is becoming so civilised it is loosing all of its natural foliage. I want to also add things like carts, crates and barrels everywhere, along with guards patrolling on horseback, to make the player feel like the the clutches of society streth to every corner of Epping. Algarve ^This is typically what I imagine Algarve to look like from above. Yes, you can't really see much, but that's perfect for how I imagine it- Foggy rainy, the occasional thunderstorm. ^This is kind of what the forest themselves should look like (Except with more pine trees than anything else). ^This screenshot is from the Witcher 2 tutorial, and it shows pretty much exactly what I want to try and create. The only thing here is it needs to look a little more damp and misty to be just right. ^Another Screenshot from the Witcher 2 tutorial- this house is also the kind of thing I want to try and have in Algarve. I think I would probably pull it off using the vanilla Riften farmhouse models, if I used the right lighing effect and added the right kind of clutter outside. Challis ^ I'm not quite sure what that sculpture thing is in the middle of the image, but other than that, this is the kind of natural landscape that I think Challis should have. The way the light rays shine through the canopies is great. ^The vibrant colours used in this image are perfect for the elven forests, and the trees look nice too. As for the houses in Challis, I think that the majority of them will be built on the ground, with maybe one or two settlements using treehouses. However, I can visualise lots of walkways and bridges linking up trees near villages, giving accesse to elven archers/guards. ^The colours are slightly duller here, but again the thick canopies and rays of sun are great. Sorry about these last two pictures- I've exceeded the amount of images I can use, so links will have to suffice! I hope you've enjoyed ready and looking through this thread, and I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions below! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
samv96UK Posted October 26, 2012 Author Share Posted October 26, 2012 Just thought I'd share what I was playing around with this afternoon- It's a highly un-polished heightmap, but the basic shapes of the island are there :thumbsup: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
frankdema Posted October 26, 2012 Share Posted October 26, 2012 that is a BIG PROJECT sam :) hope you will manage to finish it :) i know you will make an awesome job.... and if you need something you know who to contact ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
samv96UK Posted October 26, 2012 Author Share Posted October 26, 2012 that is a BIG PROJECT sam :) hope you will manage to finish it :) i know you will make an awesome job.... and if you need something you know who to contact ;) I know right! :D Like I mentioned, it's possible that this may end up as a team project- I'll probably do most of the basic landscape and interiors myself then start a team to help with cluttering and finishing touches, dungeons, navmeshing, NPC's, armours and weapons. Either way, I'm forcing myself to get Rochebere in a decent state so that it's uploadable :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kraeten Posted October 26, 2012 Share Posted October 26, 2012 I love everything about this project. If you need help on Navmeshing, cluttering, or general abode creation I'd be happy to help. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
samv96UK Posted October 26, 2012 Author Share Posted October 26, 2012 I love everything about this project. If you need help on Navmeshing, cluttering, or general abode creation I'd be happy to help. :) Great! I haven't actually started yet, and I probably won't until the start of next year, but it's really great to hear that you are eager to help! :tongue: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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