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Creation kit error ....


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Was working on my mod earlier today. After a short, I cam back to launch the creation kit and got this


MASTERFILE: ===========================================================
MASTERFILE: File Fallout4.esm is a higher version than this EXE can load.
Anyone run across this warning/error message before and know how to fix?
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Was working on my mod earlier today. After a short, I cam back to launch the creation kit and got this


MASTERFILE: ===========================================================
MASTERFILE: File Fallout4.esm is a higher version than this EXE can load.
Anyone run across this warning/error message before and know how to fix?


Yep...just happened to me as well. I know I just got the newest Fallout 4 update (Creation Club stuff I am guessing).

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Yeah. Beth screwed the pooch, it seems. Really stupid on their part that they didn't take this into account. There's also reports in this thread https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6540926-how-to-rollback-fallout-4-version-steam/page-6

that doing a steam rollback to our previous version is causing CTD in the game.

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The new update expands the allowable formID range for ESL flagged plugins from 800-FFF to 001-FFF (maybe 000-FFF, but new CK starts with 001 apparently), which means fundamental changes were made to the .esm (plugin header version is also 1.0, where it was 0.95 before).


So if you updated the game and didn't update the CK, of course it is going to crash. The error message is fairly self explanatory.


It isn't Bethesda messing something up, and the CtD when rolling back isn't Bethesda being out to get you like some of the people in the quoted thread said.


Also, that thread already has the explanation for the CtD when rolling back and how to fix it, should you decided to roll back instead. Of course, the easiest way to deal with all this is to just disable automatic updates in steam, and only launch from the f4se launcher so it never gets a chance to run the update (make sure the "Allow downloads during gameplay" option is also disabled).

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I'm having a problem with human actors showing up in the CK render window with super mutant face textures after this CK update. These actors look just as they used to in game without any issues. At first I thought it was just the actors in my mod (all nif + texture files generated), but looks like all human actors from vanilla game are affected so far. I don't use any texture/mesh overhaul mods for actors.


Anyone else having this problem?

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