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SKSE64 not compatible with Skyrim SE version error - ?


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Been playing with mods for a long time now, with no problems. Just now downloaded 4 new mods and suddenly I get an error stating that I'm using a version of Skyrim that is later than the SKSE64 version I'm running. Steam has not updated the Skyrim SE game files, and I haven't changed anything with the Nexus client. Is this a bogus error (i.e., some other condition is actually causing a problem but the error isn't detected at once so the message is produced elsewhere) ? There are no warnings in the NMM interface WRT compatibility issues.

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Skyrim SE was just updated to 1.5.97 two days ago. You'll need the latest version of SKSE64 (2.0.17). If you see 2.0.16 there, just hit refresh.


Thank you very much!


How, may I ask, did you know that Skyrim SE had been updated? I looked in the Product Updates for Skyrim SE on the Steam client, and it didn't show any updates at all. I was unable to find a version number for it anywhere.

(I have auto-update turned on, so I don't get notified of updates.)

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You're welcome!


Yeah, games don't always post release notes when they update, especially if it's small. I check my Steam Downloads section every day, and saw that SSE had a download. Also, plenty of people are talking about it both on this forum and on Reddit.


Also, you can view the version number in game by opening the menu, going to System, and looking in the lower-left corner. It's kind of hard to find if you don't know where it is.

Edited by Grospolina
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Skyrim SE was just updated to 1.5.97 two days ago. You'll need the latest version of SKSE64 (2.0.17). If you see 2.0.16 there, just hit refresh.

Does it take a few days for the update to get distributed to everyone? Mine is still at 1.5.80.

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I usually get updates right away. Do you have auto-updates turned on for Skyrim SE and are you in online mode? Steam now tries to update before starting a game, as far as I know.

I have also gotten updates right away...until now. Checked and I do have auto-updates selected for Skyrim SE. Steam always loads when my system boots. I always run Skyrim with Steam also running. My system is on and connected to the internet for 12 to 18 hours a day. I cleared my Steam download cache and re-logged into Steam. As of this post, my Skyrim SE is still version and running fine. I will wait a few more days to see if anything happens. If not, I guess I will just download Skyrim SE again and see what I get. Thanks for your help.


Update: Told steam to install Skyrim SE again. It Installed right over my current installation with no problems. I am now running 1.5.97 and busy repairing all the broken mods :) ... still don't understand why I never got an automatic update, but all is well now.

Edited by DFiNo
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