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Unable to Load or start new game


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Just as the title suggests, I'm unable to load an old save or start a new game now... With loading old saves game just crash as soon as I enter the loading screen. When starting new games, it just goes to that white screen before character creation and stays there when it should be instant. Everything should be loading and happening instantaneously. But instead I'm either crashing or starring at a blank screen. I've been working on fixing this since roughly 7 am now and here it is past 3 pm. I'm tired. I need coffee. and a bath.


so forgive me if I respond late to any replies.


oh, I had redownloaded the game, rolled back to a previous version. replaced/added my old files back into the games folder (mods,data, etc.) then moved my saved games data back into the same directory as the fallout 4's … umm.... ini folder place -- thing, in doc-- basically where your game data is actually stored when you do a quick or normal or auto save in the actual game.


after all of that, that's when I had rolled back to a previous version and what not.

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I forgot to mention one tiny important detail. And just so people don't get the idea that I've become impatient with a laptop that has slowed down -- I've waited over 30 minutes on the white screen as of current, waiting on the character creation to start. I also moved all of my previous saves (which for some god forsaken fkin reason are corrupted now when none of them were corrupted before this update) just to start a new game with no previous saves picked up. I do have all plugins disabled and I even went back to actually disable each mod in vortex just to be sure no mods are picked up and it is an un-modded new game (normally I would just disable all plugins until I've left vault 111. Doing so would start an un-modded game which is basically a requirement for starting new games until you've left the vault.)


STILL unable to play fallout 4 :v

Edited by kanami24
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