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No NPC Conversation Topics?


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EDIT: Sorry, this is in the wrong board! :wallbash:

I'd delete it if I could!


What needs to be done to give a quest character their conversation topics? I have Werewolf - Legends of the North v2 where none of the quest NPCs have have any conversation topics. I mean, not even 'Rumors'.


Anyone know what's up?

Edited by MyChemGams
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I get zero results searching for that mod on Oblivion Nexus, so all I can give is general advice.


Number one reason for mods not working is improper installation/missing required mods. Read the install instructions in the mod description and make sure you've followed them and met all of the requirements. Sometimes mods are just not well made. Read the mod comments and you'll get an idea of the type of problem others have had with the mod (mod comments is where I get my opinion that most mods problems are improper installation ... though poor installation instructions ranks up there too).


If you can give a link to the mod I may be able to offer help (no promises).

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Here's the link, Striker.


@MyChemGams: Do you get a "I have no greeting" message? And if so, have you traveled to or from the Shivering Isles OTHER than the correct way, through the portal?

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Thanks Hickory. I hadn't thought of the SI greetings glitch. Having read through the most recent half dozen comments pages I'd retract the possibility of this being a poorly made mod ... just the opposite in fact. If Hickory isn't bang on the money (and that's where my money is riding right now) I'd look at your installation of this mod. Doesn't appear the mod author has been active in the comments since mid March of last year.
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I reinstalled the mod, but with the same results.


@Hickory: Nope, no "I have no greeting." Just...nothing. Apparently this hasn't happened to anyone else, since I wouldn't be asking if I'd been able to find someone with a similar problem.

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Start a new game, to see if you have conversation topics. If you do, then your save game may be corrupt. If you don't, uninstall that werewolf mod and start another new game. If you have topics now, then that mod is your prime suspect.


Other than that, you haven't supplied your load order. Presuming you use Wrye Bash, right click and select 'View mods...' Copy and paste everything, including the spoiler/xml tags.

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