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What to do after update?


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Alright so I've been playing modded Skyrim SE and ever since the update I've been getting crashes and was wondering how I can play the game fluently again? Is there a way other then fishing out unupdated mods or reverting to the older version of the game?


I noticed crashes when having conversations with NPCs, also happened once out of random when walking to a location.

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Timezy, I used to have most of the problems you listed. Two things solved all ... ALL ... of my difficulties.


1) VORTEX - The current version of this program, when combined with LOOT and SSEDIT, is probably the best download and organization program I've ever seen. I've used Mod Manager and the old NMM program, and Vortex is easily the best and ... once you get past the mechanics of it ... the easiest to use.


2) A Modern Gaming Computer. Although this seems ridiculously simple, I couldn't get past certain locations (for example, the front entrance to Bleak Falls Barrow), without a crash. My previous computer just didn't have the power to handle all that was going on. I bought a brand-new gaming system from ACER, and all of these problems disappeared.


I know that other people will come by and give you more detailed help than this, and you should listen to them. Also have you modlist ready to post, because a great many mods conflict with each other, or cause bugs like the black face bug, which is highly irritating, to say the least. If you don't have it, yet, download LOOT so that you can copy the modlist. Also, keep your mods down to a bare minimum, for now, till you get other problems straightened out.


By the way, are you using SKSE64 and SKYUI? The update always breaks SKSE64, and we have to wait about two weeks before Silverlock.org gives us a new file to use.


Good luck from your friendly, neighborhood, elderly mercenary!

Edited by Tragthemercenary
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Timezy, I used to have most of the problems you listed. Two things solved all ... ALL ... of my difficulties.


1) VORTEX - The current version of this program, when combined with LOOT and SSEDIT, is probably the best download and organization program I've ever seen. I've used Mod Manager and the old NMM program, and Vortex is easily the best and ... once you get past the mechanics of it ... the easiest to use.


2) A Modern Gaming Computer. Although this seems ridiculously simple, I couldn't get past certain locations (for example, the front entrance to Bleak Falls Barrow), without a crash. My previous computer just didn't have the power to handle all that was going on. I bought a brand-new gaming system from ACER, and all of these problems disappeared.


I know that other people will come by and give you more detailed help than this, and you should listen to them. Also have you modlist ready to post, because a great many mods conflict with each other, or cause bugs like the black face bug, which is highly irritating, to say the least. If you don't have it, yet, download LOOT so that you can copy the modlist. Also, keep your mods down to a bare minimum, for now, till you get other problems straightened out.


By the way, are you using SKSE64 and SKYUI? The update always breaks SKSE64, and we have to wait about two weeks before Silverlock.org gives us a new file to use.


Good luck from your friendly, neighborhood, elderly mercenary!

I am using Vortex, SSEEdit and LOOT already, did all the cleaning and sorting aswell.

also use a very modern gaming pc;



I do also use SkyUI & SKSE64 + updated the both of them to their most recent patch (updated cause of the Skyrim SE update)


Edit: It has worked just fine up until the update from a few days ago, doubt its the mods.. probably because the update messed the mods up?

Edited by Timezy
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Was your skyrim actually updated? ( find the Skyrim executable and right click. version info is shown in one of the properties tabs) If so, then the next step is to either install SKSE 2.0.17 and update any and ALL mods that are SKSE version dependent or revert to Skyrim 1.5.80 SKSE 2.016


(If you play with Steam in offline mode, it *should not * have auto-updated.)


If it wasn't actually updated, try again. (if it turns out Skyrim wasn't updated, make sure to reinstall SKSE 2.016 if you happened to update it, thinking it'd solve your issues... IFF skyrim wasn't actually autoupdated)


FWIW, I wasn't able to play Skyrim for the entire day that the new Skyrim 1.5.97 version was released. Crashed on start, crashed in main menu crashed if I got as far as game load, or crashed shortly after game load. Crashed and crashed and crashed again...probably all told, 50 or 60 attempts... Magically it worked perfectly two days later, (I didn't try for a day after) with no intervening changes by me. Magically, of course. Almost as if Steam introduced a flag that would cause the user to believe their installation was broken to encourage them to install an update...


If your skyrim *has* been updated and you're just going to wait for everything else to get updated (or are going to disable those mods which aren't compliant), check the conversions tracking thread at Lover's Lab for the status of all the affected files. I don't know of any other tracker and this one seems pretty comprehensive.

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