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The best ever xcom


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Hello all xcom fans, well having have played most of the original xcom games, and although they were good for their time its about time someone brought the game we love up to today's spec, i think its great and with loads of modding possibility s i think this game will go far and i hope that fireaxis remake the rest of the original series, what do you all think.
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What this game needs:


Full mod support.


Ability to afford a second Sky Ranger.


Ability to, more, sandbox the game without aliens creeping up heavily in tech.


More voices. More looks, More custimization.


A death cam. What I mean by this is, you click on a deceased soldier's name on the memorial wall and you are treated to a brief clip of the action they died in. Feel the guilt!


Other then that, I feel it compares favorably. Also, need more Chryssalids. A lot more Chryssalids. There needs to be a terror mission where its nothing but 10 Chryssalids with 30 civilians and all AI unlocked. Just for fun.

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Hello all xcom fans, well having have played most of the original xcom games, and although they were good for their time its about time someone brought the game we love up to today's spec, i think its great and with loads of modding possibility s i think this game will go far and i hope that fireaxis remake the rest of the original series, what do you all think.



Well this game is like a blond girl, looks good and sucks. This is not even close to genuine XCOM apart from aliens attacking earth. Im not even sure if the mod community can save this one. It is pretty clear that this was made for the console with the PC as an afterthought. I just dont have time to list the 100 reasons this is nothing like the real deal called XCOM.

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The new game lacks the flexibility and high level of tension the original did. In the original, I loaded up my skyranger full of cannon fodder because I knew a bunch of them would die just trying to disembark. The original Chrysalids still are my most feared monsters in video games. Really, impossible is the only mode that comes close to the original's easiest mode.


That said, the game has a lot of pluses. Though I miss having the option of blowing up the map with every rocket, grenade and fusionball I had to win, the limits the game places on weapons and abilities were generally welcome improvements. The addition of multiplayer was also an unexpectedly wonderful addition. It reminds me of chess with guns.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello all xcom fans, well having have played most of the original xcom games, and although they were good for their time its about time someone brought the game we love up to today's spec, i think its great and with loads of modding possibility s i think this game will go far and i hope that fireaxis remake the rest of the original series, what do you all think.



I think they took a lot of steps backward to be honest, given the amount of functionality that has been removed it's like going from iPhone to Portable CD player. Not the other way around.


And as said above, the original chrysies were quite possibly the one character in any game that I never wanted to see, nothing more "Okay, time to suck it up and pull this off!" than going into an Alien base and seeing that it was full of those things. You knew you were in for a fight back then, with today's game... you feel each mission is going to be winnable by some large margin.

Edited by ProjectVRD
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I like this game, it's fun. It is the best XCOM game that has come out in quite a few years but I do not find it nearly as well done as the original XCOM game was. There are so many little touches missing that they add up to a huge difference in feel and fun.


Gimme some damn grenades! I always had a Grenadier along with my squad in the original game who was a fun and helpful addition to the squad. I also want (and miss) proximity grenades which were amazingly useful! Gimme some darn pockets!!


I want to be able to target sections of walls and ships to punch entries with my laser and plasma weapons.


I want to be able to toss a healing kit to another soldier in my squad.

I very much want RANDOM maps like the original game had!! The tactical maps could also have been a bit larger and much more diverse (with some type of random) generation factored in to mix up the tactical battles considerably. I would also find an decent overhead view of the tactical map to be a great aid.


The game also needs much better artificial intelligence routines for the aliens, one would think that by today's programming and machine standards that something many times better could have been provided.


Multiple bases and base invasions are non existent which I find to be a huge disappointment!


I own a high end PC that I cheerfully pay for and maintain for gaming and I would like a game that is coded to take advantage of the abilities of a PC gaming machine and not just a consul game ported over to the PC. Gimmie some better camera controls as well please.


I could go on listing little things that when added up turn into a HUGE amount of missing features and fun. Yes, I am disappointed that no one yet has been able to match the excellence of the first XCOM game which I played for many months if not a year or so. This game I have played twice, once on normal and then again on classic. With some sever modding I plan to give it another go but I am feeling like I will be headed back to SKYRIM after a short XCOM break.


The builders could have made moding this game could be a bit easier on the community as well, which may have turned into more sales for them due to a growing and improving XCOM Enemy Unknown reputation maybe? I don't really know but I would think that would be a boon for business.


On the positive side as I said above I like this game and I have had a few surprisingly tense and fun situations arise while playing it. I think that any PC game capable of providing moments tense enough to make me sit straight up in my seat and hold my breath as the AI takes it's turn (s) is a good game. I do not feel that I wasted my money purchasing this game and in no way do I really have anything too bad to say about this version of XCOM other then it is not nearly as capable as the original XCOM game. But realistically how many PC games have been? I do think this is a good game but it is not nearly the stunning classic as the original is.

Edited by Groogo
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  • 2 months later...

The excitement of playing the first ever XCOM and it's originality may well never be matched again. The underwater one was a little weird and just had something missing but what it was I couldn't say.

I wish the Multi-Player version of this one allowed for more than two players and squads with larger maps. Maybe up to 6 player....It would also be good if players knew the map to be used before they picked the squad as preferences can alter.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Guys they could have done alot worse trust me. I remember when this version was first announced it was being billed as some as an FPS...i kicked off and i remember reading that ALOT of old fans were pissd. Anyway, i've enjoyed this one and all the wants/problems that people have will surely be addressed in a great sequel. Just next time, more (alot more) mod support from the devs.


Id love to see the sequel become as popular for mods as say the total war franchise or original half life :D

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I loved the original, played it *lots*. And I'm very taken with the new version, in many ways I think it's a dramatic improvement on the original - I'm a big fan of the smaller squad and I find the look and feel still very close to the original. I agree that it lacks a little tension by comparison, but I'm hoping impossible level will fix that. I'm about to finish up on classic and I enjoyed it but I'd still like more aliens per level.


I don't miss multiple bases and although the base invasion was quite entertaining I can live without it.


I would like some kind of line of sight indicator - sometimes I'm baffled by my snipers' lack of squad sight when they're up in the gods with what looks like a clear line but they don't have a shot.


I'd like a map view, so I can see the layout of the map I've explored and see my units' positions relative to each other, plus seeing the alien positions where they are in sight. The original did this well.


I would like more missions, more maps (yes a generator or at least some aspect of randomness would be good). Being able to customise my units more without having to pay silly money for DLC would be great although really they have done way better than the original on that :blink:


I find the early choices and global panic irritating - I feel that I'm being driven down one route (satellites and more satellites) and in a strategy game it really ought to be possible to make other choices work.


I would like to be able to skip cut-scenes and the commentary - they are entertaining for a while but become tiresome after a certain number of viewings.


The difficulty needs work - it starts off being very challenging before you get armour and a decent gun. You fight your way through but all too soon I am out-gunning the aliens on classic to the point where I really don't want to use a lot of the extras (eg archangel armour). The original game had the same problem, it's a hard nut to crack and actually the new version scores better on that aspect for me.


I'm really pleased that they've made it so you can't just lob high explosives and grenades at everything and everyone to clear a level. I rarely used explosives in the original and don't miss them now. But since some rocketry is necessary and fun, I do wish they would make the heavies just a little more accurate. Say a barn door at 20 paces?


I would like the game to be a bit more of a sandpit, so you have the option of going for the main event or delaying that and getting gradually harder and harder missions to face. That would be fun :biggrin:


I like the game and I like a lot of the changes they've made. I'm sure it can be improved and there's room for plenty of add-ons but I'm having a lot of fun as it stands.


@tedivine I'm blonde, I'm a girl, I look good, I don't suck. Just saying. :kiss:

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