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Project: Flintlock (WIP)


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Finished the textures today, will continue to work on stuff like bayonet...




Update: Bayonet finished, added recipe black powder + lead ingot + paper roll = rifle ball cartridge, will add a model like this:




Such a cartridge contains the ball and the powder.

Edited by ghosu
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Finished textures, added bayonet, supplies (lead ingot, black powder) and bullet cartridges (and a version with invisible bag to avoid good old clipping errors), some CK work, atm i'm adding a Steampunk merchant to Tamriel (near to Whiterun's Watchtower)


Afterwards, to do: Add rifle to leveled list / guards, new sound packs, basic animation from the alpha, better smoke effects (though i'm not sure if doable in 1st person - even the actual effect is not visible in 1st). Btw, if ayone has sound samples of a rifle/musket that might work (and i'm talking 'bout samples without background sounds, close to studio quality) pls let me know ... saves time.



Edited by ghosu
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Not the biggest fan of steampunk ever but that "schematic" on the table with the rifles is a fantastic little detail. Looking forward to this!


I did a quick google for sound effects, I never realised there were so many dubious "for pay" sites selling them :(

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I realy like where this mod is going but only one request if I coud. Coud you make a alternative bayonet for the musket something a little more ticker maybe? A bayonet which look like a long knife which you coud youse as a dagger too please?
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I realy like where this mod is going but only one request if I coud. Coud you make a alternative bayonet for the musket something a little more ticker maybe? A bayonet which look like a long knife which you coud youse as a dagger too please?


That would really look out of place. The knife bayonet wasn't invented until the late 19th century, while flintlock weapons went out of style at the beginning of the 19th century. It would be like playing as a Dovahkiin in modern military camo wielding a warhammer.

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Thx...well i will see what i can do - first i'll finish what i planned and if there is motivation/time afterwards i might add requested stuff ;)


You know, i really don't bother if it looks out of place or not lore friendly or whatever, if you don't like it you don't have to use it, it won't hurt people if it comes with the mod since i won't add it to the equip list of NPCs - just don't click on it.


It would make more people happy than hurt - my motto :D


So you might send me screenshots via PM, i surely won't make a dagger version (since this needs better textures - a bayonet is not so close to the player) - IF (!) i find time/motivation i might make it.

Edited by ghosu
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