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Project: Flintlock (WIP)


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Possible (!) addition to the next update (leveled item overhaul) - though it might take a while, lack of motivation atm since i hate CK work.






WIP - when it's done.



Edited by ghosu
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I love it (saw it in the other thread before) - it should have a force push on the player so you move back half a meter when you fire it to get that real "heavy ordnance" feeling :)


(and of course a knockback or ragdoll flying effect on the unlucky fellow who gets hit, or possibly an area effect)


Just daydreaming ;)

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Well jeah, i continued my work a bit, so far:


- little smoke effect at impact area, maybe a muzzleflash smoke effect with more smoke and closer to the player

- higher impact force, chance to stagger or knockdown the target, very small chance to disarm/fear

- one ammo type without these effects

- animated and rigid version, more dmg and the ammo will be 15/17, but less range

- textures are WIP but should be finished soon

- sounds, haven't found GOOD ONES (!) yet so if someone has GOOD (!) samples, preferably without background noise and more "WOOM" than the flintlock rifle pls let me know, all these sound effect sites are quite horrible, the stuff from video clips need a lot post-processing so i would prefer something like i used for the flintlock rifle :D

Edited by ghosu
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Ghosu, just wondering, is it possible to make "shotgun-like" shooting? So it'd shoot couple of projectiles with less damage than single one. (But maybe better crit damage?)


I would love to shove my gun full of glass and spread it at the enemies, bleeding them all :biggrin:

But I understand if it's not possible.

What happens if you set the shot projectiles thing in creation kit to anything over 1?

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Uhh, if i remember right the projectile value has not such an effect...tried it a long time ago, there are sooo many options in CK that sound good but have no effect :D

Never took a closer look at the projectile nif, maybe there are is some kind of "hitbox" you might duplicate, maybe it's hardcoded - dunno, in the end it would be easier to raise the collision radius and set it to a lower range and search for an effect that looks like debris.

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Curses :biggrin:

I was hoping for easy-to-make shotgun.


But yeah, it might be hard, if not impossible to make such a thing.

I was going to suggest some ammo types, but soon realized they'd be a bit too fantasy- like for the theme you are going for :facepalm:


Anyway, really nice new model for blunderbuss, can't wait for it.

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