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Project: Flintlock (WIP)


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So...adjusted and uploaded quite everything (translation and items only ESP as well), normally it should work - at least i hope so :D

But be aware, like all other new mods, work with the up do date version of the game = 1.8 ONLY - so it's a no go for *cough* old versions, pirated aka "non-steam" copies

Edited by ghosu
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Damn, break? I'm kinda modding addicted :(

This is what i plan for the next update:


Flintlock Grenade Launcher



...and maybe a Tanegashima




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If anyone has got new ideas, i don't want to add one rifle after another and all serve the same purpose, each one should serve an own purpose:


Flintlock Rifle (normal)

Blunderbuss (close combat)

Grenade Launcher (area)


I would like to see something "silent" - yes, i know it's not realistic (though, a Flintlock Silencer sounds funny, could be a job for "Sons of Guns" to top the Shotgun Silencer) but just an optional weapon for silent assassins...i was thinking 'bout something with gas/steam ("No Country for Old Men" anyone ^^ ?), not magic since i might create an own rifle for this branch.


I prefer real authentic weapon models, even if they don't work this way - as long as it looks a bit like "Yeah, this one could be *cough* silent" :D


So additions i thought 'bout for possible (!) future updates: silence, magic, distance

And a little update:


First concept of a Tanegashima:




Will see, if i get it into the game...the propotions/fire mechanism is a bit different to the flintlock models but i'll try.





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All right i did a further research and i could find the antique air guns i mentioned earlier.


Windbusche (Girandoni Air Rifle)






Kunitomo Air Gun





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