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Project: Flintlock (WIP)


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@ Drache1573

Crimson Archer, can be found on nexus.


@ Ghosu

Actually it's possible to make it so that the weapon deals increased melee/bashing damage, but I don't know if you are really interested on making that.


Edit: A bit more about increased bashing damage/effects on bash. (Such as "bleeding, damage per second"

If you are interested on this, it's possible by making perk similar to the one which is required to make the Targe of The Blooded work.

(Actually, targe uses perk to make it work, not any sort of enchantment or such)

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Good old targe of blood...jeah, i used this one a few months ago for a another mod, added it when i started this mod but something wasn't working - was not focusing on it but i might fix it for the first release.


EDIT: Finally i found the error...had to add my new perk to actor PLAYER...this is why it never worked in my old mods as well ^^


BTW, i could need some kind of "beta tester", at least one that never had my musket mod alpha installed or didn't use the animation replacer - to check, if my new animation works with the original crossbow animation as well - there won't be a relacer in this release so the normal crossbow is not affected.

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I guess i can finish my work tomorrow and send you the DL link for testing afterwards...this release will be without leveled list, will add it to guards/NPCs with the first update - i want to make it a bit balanced, adding it now in a hurry would mess things up.


I added the original animation files to the mod so even when you used my old mod with animation - it should now replace it to set back to the game's original animation.

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@ Water: yes, both


@ Knee and Shadow:


I'm sending the download links to the test files to you two guys now, pls keep it to yourselves...further informations (if needed) in the readme.


Some things are not finished yet but they won't need testing (Outlander's voice, mask weighting in the neck area, item placement in the camp and so on...).


Most importantly is, if the textures and models are displayed correctly (weapon, ammo, supplies, mask) - the camp itself is not sooo important, just a little bonus. And if the animation looks like in this video, yes i know - it's not authentic or logical but because of the game's modding limitation this is the best i can make with the original crossbow's animation file and skeleton - at least for the moment. And there should be smoke, not sooo good visible in 1st but better in 3rd. And if you experience any crashes or whatever.


You have to re-equip the bayonet when changing weapon or save/load to avoid the floating bug in 3rd person - bayonets are listed as armor. I show it in the video as well...and the camp's location. thx




EDIT: Things i fixed that are not in the version i've send you:


- removed the 2nd mask recipe from forge

- changed quantitiy invisible rifle balls to 25 like the normal ones

- fixed rifle ball bag's texture

- placed rifles in the cave

- fixed projectile's gravity

- reduced materials needed for crafting

- and a few other things i can't remember :D




- Mask neck weighting

- Outlander's voice / dialogue



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+ Working

+ Smoke, third and first person, Looks really nice and authentic

+ Sounds, Love them, sounds are great and manly.

+ Animation works, first person and third person.

+ Bayonet damage and third person

+ Bayonet damage is pretty nice, bashing multiple times causes more damage over time and so. (so it feels like bleeding, not like daedric greatsword)

+ Models and textures are working,

+ Crafting recipes work


- Not working/needs fix

- However, I did get CTD when going on rampage with the rifle, killed around ten guards and crashed after that. BUT, that happened outside of fight, I had weapon unequipped and so. But I couldn't duplicate that case. Might need more testing? Though I'd say it was just a random crash for me. ( I have those sometimes), and I am running pretty much mods which have impact on performance.

- Bayonets not visible in first person, but as a + I didn't get that third person bug when switching from view to another, only when switching weapons.


Thoughts: I'll test this more, but this far I've liked it a lot.

Damage could be higher? Though it might just be that I am playing mage, around level 20 and no archery perks so my character is not the optional one for testing damage. (And that was not probably the thing which you wanted to be tested at this time)

Overall works great, animation looks pretty great actually, maybe if you'd make "customized" firing mechanism it would be perfect? (Like some sort of decorated block moving forward?)

Though that would probably make it a bit less flintlock-like. Just saying :biggrin:

Effects are perfect and work well. (Smoke and sound)

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